In my opinion, nineteen is one of the most irrelevant ages you can be. I know, everyone older is probably judging me hardcore for that statement, but hear me out...
Here are five reasons why being nineteen is rough.
No one really cares when you turn nineteen.
“Oh it’s your birthday tomorrow? How old will you be? Nineteen? Cool…"
Nineteen is conveniently sandwiched between two big birthdays. At eighteen you are officially an adult, whoopie! Twenty rolls around and suddenly you are in this magical world. It’s a whole new decade to explore, I mean, you have been confined to a single one for half of your life. It’s time for a change!
Nothing cool happens as soon as you turn nineteen.
At sixteen you get to experience the excitement of being able to drive a wheeled death tra-- I mean car -- all on your own. You get a sweet party, too. Turn eighteen and you can tattoo and pierce yourself to your heart’s desire, buy a lotto ticket or a pack of smokes, cast your vote, travel alone, book a hotel room, drink in other countries, get married, skydive, buy fireworks, jury duty (!!!), change your name, join the military, buy a car, see an R-rated movie (because you’ve never done that before…), donate blood… Nineteen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.