If you're a little on-the-fence about studying abroad, I'm here to convince you to just go for it and take the plunge! Studying abroad is truly an exhilarating experience all the way through and quite honestly, silly to pass up if your course load and wallet can afford it. It's only once in a lifetime that you get to temporarily live and study in completely different surroundings.
Here are some top reasons why you should consider studying abroad:
1. You'll be able to learn a new language a lot easier.
When you're in a country that speaks the language you're trying to learn as its native tongue, you'll find the transition a lot easier. That's because you'll actually be able to use the language and practice it with the locals, which is something that is hard to come by when you're in your home country.
2. You'll be able to see so many different sights.
You know, the sights that you've been seeing all your life in TV and magazines? You'll get to finally see them - first-hand! Make sure you pack your camera because you're going to have spontaneous photo shoots with every step that you take.
3. You'll get to try so many different foods.
Baguettes, macarons, gelato, croissants - YUM! You really just can't go wrong with anything that involves food. Being able to try so many ethnic foods is a total blessing - don't be afraid to get weird and experience with your taste buds!
4. You'll meet a ton of interesting people.
The coolest thing about living abroad will be meeting the people! Whether they're local or international, you'll have so much fun comparing cultures and sharing anecdotes. Remember to step out of your comfort zone from time to time so that you don't miss out on this experience!
5. You'll be able to make a bucket list and check things off, one-by-one.
You know those people who have extremely long bucket lists, but never get a chance to actually complete them? With at least a semester of living abroad, you'll have tons of time to get some of your aspirations done... And since you're still in school, you'll be getting an early start on them compared to most people.These adventures will be sure to make great conversation starters in the future.
If you liked this article, you can find more writing by Kayla at the wellness and balancing lifestyle blog, The Summer Lover. Feel free to binge-read!