Netflix recently announced that "Girlboss," a 13-episode series, which follows a young, broke and rebellious Sophia Amoruso along her journey to becoming the founder of a multi-million dollar fashion empire called Nasty Gal, will not be renewed for a second season.
After hearing the aforementioned news I was upset and confused. I knew I couldn't have been the only person that had started and finished the Netflix original series on the same day, stopping occasionally for bathroom and snack breaks. It would be an understatement to say that I fell in love with the show. Because I did and so much more. I fell in love with the characters and the story and immediately after it was over, I wanted to start all over again. Quite simply, I wanted more. Below are five reasons why I think everyone should watch Girlboss and quite frankly, why I believe it deserves a second season.
1. The portrayal of a narcissistic protagonist is spot on and honestly, something television needs more of.
Following the release of "Girlboss," the Netflix original series received a lot of criticism due to the fact that the main character, Sophia Amoruso (portrayed by Britt Robertson) contained
2. Patriarchy is portrayed.
Although in many aspects of life it has improved, it is still true that in many instances, men hold more power and women are largely excluded or thought of as lesser. "Girlboss" portrays the aforementioned. Throughout the series, Sophia deals with the fact that her gender is an obstacle she will have to face when starting a business. For example, when she goes to rent an office space for her growing clothing company, Nasty Gal, the man that owns the space is reluctant to let a woman sign for the space even though she can pay for it upfront- which is more than any of the other people looking to rent the space can do. He ends up telling her she will need someone to cosign the space even though it is apparent that she is a very successful business woman. The above is just one of the many ways in which patriarchy is shown in the series.
3. It is so freaking relatable.
I don't know how else to express the fact that this show is relatable AF. Okay, yes, unfortunately, we don't all become millionaires and gain worldwide recognition like Sophia Amoruso. However, so many other aspects of the show are so accurate. Between the trials and tribulations she faces in her friendships as well as in her relationship with her boyfriend and her father, at some points it felt as though I was watching my story. When I laughed for Sophia, I was laughing for myself and when I was crying for Sophia, I was crying for myself.
4. Inspiring is an understatement.
"Girlboss" is actually based on Sophia Amoruso's best-selling book of the same name. Yes, Sophia Amoruso is a real person and yes, "Girlboss" is a true story, although loosely based, of how Amoruso's vintage eBay clothing store made her queen of her very own fashion empire — not to mention a multi-millionaire. The series takes the viewers through Amoruso's journey of being evicted from her San Francisco apartment to having a ruptured hernia, a devastating breakup, being kicked off of eBay, and then risking it all to start her own clothing retail site, which eventually becomes a huge success. The show chronicles all the obstacles Amoruso faced and even when she had been knocked down she got right back up. She is beyond driven and her work ethic left me in awe. At 23, she had turned her dream into a reality, and that is beyond inspiring. Her story is one that should be told/shown and a season two just seems appropriate.
5. There is no Prince Charming.
Throughout the series, Sophia does have a love interest: Shane the drummer. But, in the last episode, after a two-year relationship, Sophia walks in on him engaging in oral sex with another woman. Needless to say, Sophia is heartbroken. She is on the brink of having it all but she has just lost something that is so important to her. Regardless, Shane doesn't save her. He apologizes, but she doesn't run right back into his arms. She kicks him out of her apartment. She saves herself.
Sophia is honest about what she wants out of her life and when she realizes what her commitment to NastyGal is causing her and her relationship, she tries to balance both. But she never gives up her hopes and dreams for a man, which is something we see in so many other television shows. When Shane fails to accept the fact that Sophia is busy launching her career he resorts to cheating and Sophia leaves him because she knows that she deserves better, regardless of the fact that letting him go hurts like hell. She is a perfect role model for young women that may be jeopardizing their careers or education for the men in their life. She serves as a reminder that you don't need a man to make you happy or to take care of you because, at the end of the day, you are a smart, independent, and successful women that can take care of herself and create your own happiness.
Trust me, I can go on and on about all of the reasons why I absolutely loved "Girlboss." Besides the fact that it was beyond binge-worthy and had me laughing, crying, smiling, and sighing, it also had a lot of great messages for people of all ages. Although as of right now there will not be a second season, I still think everyone should head over to Netflix and check it out!