Family gatherings. So what does that mean? As a college student, family events are now at the top of events that you’ve come to dread. Why? Because, as a student in college trying to figure out even the smallest choices and having a meltdown every half hour, family will ask a million and one questions that you don’t know the answer to. From first semester until graduation, these five questions are guaranteed to be asked by even your ever-so-loving grandma and the crazy uncle you spend the holiday trying to avoid.
1. What are you studying?
Ah, your major. This is the question asked by each new person you meet on campus, people from home and yes, especially your family. When asked, you quickly think about how many times you’ve changed your major. Do you answer with the major you’re considering? Do you tell your relatives your current major? Or yet, do you have to declare that you’re actually undecided and then brace yourself for the next bunch of questions that are going to come your way.
(Hold tight, you'll figure it out eventually.)2. What do you plan to do with that degree?
Almost always, this question seems to follow the question of what your major is. Quite frankly, this question isn’t any easier to answer than the first one. Once asked, you quickly think of all of the possible careers for your major that you read in a brochure or skimmed at an information table about your major you casually passed by one day in a campus building. You’re trying to learn and pass classes, have you really had that much time to explore exactly what job you want to do? And even when you don’t know, sometimes saying that isn’t a satisfying enough answer for the relative that won't stop wondering.
3. Do you have a summer job lined up?
Oh, no. How did they know you don’t have a certain answer for this? You might have a summer job lined up. Yes, you are applying for internships. No, you haven’t heard back from all of them. No, you’re not sure if you will get an offer from any of them. Yes, you might be working two jobs this summer.
Yes, you might actually be spending your summer working at the same fast food place you did during high school. It pays, doesn't it?4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
This question started to be asked at family gatherings long before college years, but now you feel a more intense pressure to be able to give the answer relatives want to hear. If you say no, there are the following questions of if you might have a significant other soon, if you have anyone in mind or what is the plan for the rest of your life if you end up remaining single forever. And if you can answer yes to being in a relationship, that doesn’t let you off the hook from having to answer more questions. Yes, there are questions about that person, where they are from and how you two met.
5. Do you miss your family while you're at school?
Is this a trick question? Sure, some people really don’t miss their family. However, a majority of truly people do. You’re at a new place, living semi-independent. Classes are how you spend your days and new friends are who you spend time with as family and sure, it is great. After all, these are the best four years, right? But it is perfectly fine to miss your family while you’re away. Who doesn’t miss the conversations with their mom, the hugs from their dad and pointless arguments with your family?
The minute the family gatherings are over with and the holiday is passed, take a deep breath. You were asked the dreadful questions and you made it.