Five Quick Positive News Stories | The Odyssey Online
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Five Quick Positive News Stories

With all of the negativity from the election and with Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought we could all use some positivity!

Five Quick Positive News Stories
Devine Partners

After the recent election, it seems like there has been nothing but negative news left and right. With Thanksgiving coming up, I made it my mission to find 5 different positive news stories or facts that we can all be thankful for!

1. Dogs love their owners

Animal experts have been conducting studies over the past few years and have found quite a bit of evidence that our furry friends actually do love us back. Scientists have found that dogs release the chemical oxytocin when spending time or bonding with their human counterparts.

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2. There's a new program for Senior Citizens to help care for kittens

A new program called "Bottle Babies" allows Seniors in nursing homes to help care for kittens. Seniors living in nursing homes often experiencing depression and other negative emotions. The creator of this program, Rebecca Hamilton hopes to see this program grow and influence the lives of many people. This program has helped both the seniors and the kitties to find happiness and comfort.

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3. The divorce rate in the US is officially going down.

After years and years of people griping that "50% of marriages end in divorce" it seems that our nation is beginning to move further and further away from that being true! According to a study done in 2015, 16.9 divorces were reported per 1000 marriages, a 25% decrease since 1980!

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4. One woman is paying all of a shelter's adoption fees until December 31st

A woman named Kim Pacini-Hauch plans to pay all of the adoption fees at Sacremento's Front Street Animal Shelter. Her goal is for all of the animals at this shelter to have a home for the upcoming Christmas season. In the first day of Kim's offer, 250 people had lined up at the shelter hoping to adopt a furry friend, by the afternoon 20 cats and 21 dogs had been adopted.

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5. Grandma invites a stranger to Thanksgiving Dinner

I thought to round this article off, a Thanksgiving related positive story would be appropriate. 17-year-old Jamal Hinton was surprised when he received a message on his phone, asking if he would be coming to Thanksgiving Dinner this year. When he confusedly asked the sender who they were, they replied that they were his grandma. After an exchange of pictures, it was discovered that the sender, in fact, had the wrong number, but Jamal jokingly asked if he could join for Thanksgiving dinner anyway. To his surprise, the woman said yes and he now has plans with a new kind-hearted friend this Thanksgiving!

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