Have you sat down and thought of giving up on the idea of finding a super fun, unique Halloween costume? Have you just thrown in the towel and said, "fine, I'll be a cat for the third year in a row"? Halloween is the one day (or week) a year that you get to be something other than yourself, so why not make it awesome? Here are some ways you can spice up your typical costume into something fun and spooktacular:
1. Forget the typical cat! Be a "cat call."
This costume is a lot more fun than the pun it is played off of (the obnoxious shouts that people just love getting on the streets).
What you need:
1. A black dress, black pants, or any type of black clothing
2. Ears
3. Paint or makeup for whiskers and nose
4. A telephone (real or fake)
2. Butterfly? How about a social butterfly?!
We live in a world where social media takes over 90% of many peoples' days, so why not incorporate it into your typical butterfly costume?
What you need:
1. Butterfly wings
2. Antennae (optional)
3. Social media signs (Print out pictures and glue or tape on cardboard)
3. Devils aren't as tasty as deviled eggs...
Who doesn't love going to a party and eating the perfect deviled egg? Even more, who wouldn't want to dress up as a punny version of them?
What you need:
1. Devil horns
2. Egg costume or white cardboard with a yellow middle
4. Turn your monster into... a cereal killer!
The Scream, Freddie Kreuger, etc.: they've all been overdone. The "cereal killer" is the new and fun demon!
What you need:
1. Mini (or regular sized) cereal boxes
2. Plastic knives
3. Fake blood
5. Sorry Steph Curry (and any other basketball player costumes this Halloween), "Dunkin' Donut" coming through!
Take out your favorite jersey and make it snazzy (and sweet)!
What you'll need:
1. Basketball
2. Donut floaty, pillow, or whatever you find to fit in
3. Dunkin' Donuts headband (can be made out of paper; optional)
Take advantage of being able to dress up in something fun and soak in all the compliments you'll get this Halloween season with these punny costumes!