I'm gonna be straight up with you right off the bat; Graduating college sucks. You will never be in an environment where staying up til 3 a.m., procrastinating and getting entirely too drunk on a Wednesday is acceptable. After four years of existing solely for a diploma, it is time to step out and explore this world of adulthood.
Scary? yes, but don't worry, ahead lies a few perks of being a college graduate. Here are a few:
1. Having money
OK, so you are not Bill Gates status yet, but checking your bank account doesn't give you as much anxiety as it did after a night out at school. Between graduation checks from family to working that summer job as a buffer, it makes you feel a little better about your financial self.
2. Getting healthy/losing weight
Warning: The post grad pounds are way more real than Freshman 15. Your liver and the rest of your body will seriously thank you for graduating. After a while, pizza, beer and countless other junk food does not coincide with your body. Not having to study for finals or attend chapter will give you that time to hit the gym and come home to healthy options.
3. Meeting new people
Considering I attended a somewhat small liberal arts college, I saw the same faces walking on campus, in the dining hall and even at parties. After awhile, you become uninterested and soon enough everybody knows everyone and everything. Rekindle old friendships, catch up and see what four years can do to a person. Traveling the world or starting a new job opens so many doors to meet certain people you might have walked by on campus.
4. Relaxing!
I don't know about you, but I have been taking full advantage of vegging-out on my couch wearing slippers 'til 4 in the afternoon. I mean, soon enough we will be working everyday for the next 30 years. Being a couch potato will not fly then, nor will you probably have the time. Do whatever soothes your soul. Read a book, go hiking, binge on a Netflix series. You just graduated college, you deserve it.
5. The endless possibilities that await
The saying, "College is the best years of your life," is vastly overrated. Despite living back at home, slaving over work and having no social life you will enjoy life after college. The rest of your life awaits you with so many exciting events to come. Job promotions, decorating your own apartment, falling in love and even starting a family. This lifestyle adjustment is tricky, but you will find yourself in the process.
Life after college is a game of charades; everyone is making it up as they go along. Embrace this stage of life because it is definitely like no other.