Any college student will tell you that there are many phases you will go through over the course of a semester of school. You have your ups, you have your downs, and you have some days where it really seems like there isn't any lower you can go. While everyone's college experience is different, there are no doubt five phases that everyone goes through every semester.
1. Syllabus Week
Don't you just love the first week of every semester? In each class you go over the syllabus, and your only real obligation is to buy your textbooks, and maybe start reading a chapter or two. Your motivation is high, you're well organized, and your spirits are high. You start getting ahead on reading and daily assignments, and you're looking forward to what your classes have to offer.
2. Loss of Motivation
Just a few weeks into the semester, you'll probably begin to feel a decrease in motivation- slowly, and then all at once. You're tired of spending all your free time reading textbooks, and you get easily distracted by literally anything besides the homework you should be doing. Nevertheless, without any major assignments or tests in the near future, you continue to push forward and try to keep positive vibes only.
3. Relaxation Periods
These positive vibes are definitely reaffirmed during those off weeks where you have almost nothing to do for any of your classes. You're relaxing in bed, soaking up all the Netflix you can, while all of your friends are stressing, and you are living the best life. Don't be fooled though, these weeks are very rare, and they come and go very quickly.
4. "What am I doing here?"
You're months into the semester, midterms are over, papers and assignments are piling up, and you're beginning to wonder why you even signed up for this anyway. Stress levels are high, and you begin to ask yourself whether all of this is worth it. Luckily though, you are not alone, and there are tons of other people around you who share your frustrations.
5. Finals Week
This phase can go one of two ways. You might be that person who doesn't have many finals, and the ones you do have are a breeze. For others, this week is literally the worst week of the entire semester. You have three exams in one day, and only a few hours to study for them. This is do or die. Pass or fail. The real life Hunger Games - only the strongest make it out alive. My only advice- look to the light- the notion that summer is only one painstakingly difficult essay away.
If you are a college student, you've most likely experienced all of these phases in any given semester, or something very similar. Though you may be questioning why you chose to do this in the first place, look forward to those periods of relaxation, even if they only last a moment. Keep your head up, and get that degree!