In a world of endless hashtags, Snapchat filters and Instagram posts, it doesn't take long for something to trend online. Today's world functions on the social media culture of viral content. And amongst all the explosion of diverse content, the internet has seen its fair share of bizarre trends, and amongst them the most common are beauty and fashion related.
1. Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge
Started in 2015, was a trend to artificially plumping lips inspired by reality star Kylie Jenner's famous lips. In this trend young girls trying to DIY lip plumping, started placing their lips into a shot glass and sucked the air out of the glass, creating friction resulting in plumped lips. The challenge became extremely popular but also was criticized for having harmful effects.
2. The 100 layer of makeup challenge
Has to be one of the weirdest challenge of all time. The 100 layers challenge was started by a beauty blogger in 2016, in which a person simultaneously wore 100 layers of any form of make up all at once, this could include almost anything like foundation, nail polish or even faux eye lashes. The result apart from the wastage of expensive makeup would be a horrifying layered sticky mess.
3. Weird Eyebrows
Since the last few years there have been multiple forms of weird eyebrow styles emerging from time to time. Result of beauty blogger experiments, these eyebrow styles have the ability to transform your face into another being. Among the many bizarre styles the popular ones include Feather Eyebrows, Crown Brows, Fishtail Brows and Halo Brows.
4. Hairy, Furry and Pierced Nails
Just like the eyebrows, even the nails have seen their fair scene of absurdity. Unusual trends of nail art started emerging in 2017, where everything except nail paint was used on nails from hair extension to fur. Apart from that another form of specialized nail art involved nail piercing.
5. The Rainbow glow-in-the-dark hair dye
A new among the ever-changing hair styles the Rainbow glow-in-the-dark hair dye also known as "blacklight hair", took over the internet in 2017. In this trend the hair was dyed in fun rainbow color streaks, that illuminate in the dark. This became a viral trend even adopted by men, who used it on facial hair as well.
While these have been few of the most outrageous trends on internet in the past few years, more and more similar content has been becoming increasingly popular. Though there hasn't been anything new in 2018 yet, but it's always better to be prepared. You never know what new thing pops out of the internet rabbit hole ready to trend.