Five Make-Up Products I Love | The Odyssey Online
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Five Make-Up Products I Love

These are five make-up products including skincare that I use in my daily routine and what I like about them.

Five Make-Up Products I Love
Institute of Beauty and Holistic Training

When you're a make-up addict like myself, you own a lot of make up and skincare. I have tried a lot of products out there, and have overtime developed a preference for certain things. So I am going to name the five products I cannot live without, and that I adore so much. This way maybe all you other make-up lovers out there can give them a try also.

1.Re(Marc)able Full Cover Foundation Concentrate By Marc Jacobs-

My ultimate favorite foundation out of several I have tried is Re(marc)able by Marc Jacobs. . Foundations work different for ever type of person so if this one doesn't work don't be discouraged and keep looking. This foundation though gives great coverage and stays on well throughout the day. I personally have oily skin and it still stays on which is sometimes a big problem for me when it comes to foundation. It makes your skin look very even and smooth, and looks great when taking photos. A little goes a long ways so don't be discouraged by the price because the bottle will last a long time.

2. The Original BeautyBlender by BeautyBlender-

This is the most amazing cosmetic sponge applicator I have ever used. It is easy to clean because you can purchase the cleaner for it. They last several months of use. Yes you may be thinking "I have to buy a new one every few months!!!". I know many people would not want to have to purchase a new one every few months. But the smooth look it gives your foundation is absolutely amazing. No longer will you have brush line marks or feel that your foundation was not even. The Beautyblender really blends and makes your foundation look even while on. Also it makes putting on my foundation really fast and quick.

3. Modern Renaissance by Anastasia Beverly Hills-

This eyeshadow palette is a great palette to have especially if you are just starting to do make-up. The pigment in the shadow is great and does not require much to apply for a nice coat of shadow on the eye. The colors are very unique in this palette and can be used for a natural look or a more elaborate look. This palette has beige, purple and even red giving you a variety to work with. This is a very new palette so it could possibly be sold out at your local Sephora, but you can always order them online. I recommend this palette to any one wanting a new eyeshadow palette.

4. The True Aqua Bomb by BELIF-

This is a great moisturizer especially for oily skin. It is a gel moisturizer and it soaks into your skin very well. A little goes a long ways also making the price for it reasonable, because it is long lasting. When BELIF first came to Sephora, I decided to try it after using the same moisturizer by First Aid Beauty for probably around four years. I was sold after using the sample I received twice. If you are shopping for a new moisturizer you should definitely give this one a try.

5. Purity Made Simple Face Wash By Philosophy-

Cleansing is the most important part of a daily routine. Everyone should wash their face morning and night. This will greatly improve your skin's appearance. This helps cleans out your pores and avoid break outs. The only cleanser I use is purity I have found it to be one of the best cleansers out on the market. Also there are many sizes one can purchase so you can purchase small sizes for travel also. At Sephora there are five sizes you can purchase (3,8, 16, 24 and 32oz) giving you lot of options. This cleanser really removes make up well especially when your a make-up addict like myself and do water proof eyeliner and mascara which can be a pain to take off. Remember what you do now for you skin will make a big difference in the future.

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