- You have free-time. While college students typically spend less time in an actual classroom in comparison with high school students, the workload is drastically heavier, and thus, time not spent at club meetings or sleeping is spent studying in the library. If you are able to find to time watch Netflix, I envy you.
- You become best friends with all of the people on your dorm floor. Although some floors really do bond, the typical relationship amongst floor mates is a simple “hello” or a toothless smile in the communal bathroom. People may live on the same floor as their best friends, but an entire floor being close is rare.
- College textbooks will drain your wallet. Depending on the specific class and professor, college students may be required to have quite a few textbooks. However, from my experience, most of the texts can be found on online databases, rented, or bought used from Amazon (or if you're lucky your professor will just digitally send out the required readings).
- Your professor won’t know who you are unless you go to office hours. Office hours are a great way to become better acquainted with professors and get further assistance where needed, however, they are not absolutely necessary. Classes under 50 students typically allow opportunity for participation and interaction between the professor and the students. One-on-one time obviously enhances the relationship, but it is possible to overcome anonymity by simply contributing to classroom discussion.
- The first people you meet won’t be your best friends. Many friendships formed during welcome week are surface level and temporary, however, I’ve met many upperclassmen who are still best friends (and some even living) with the people they met during their first week of college– myself included.
Student LifeOct 24, 2016
Five Lies People Tell You About Collge
Take college advice with a grain of salt.