This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to travel through Prague, Poland and Israel with 28 teenagers from across the United States, four inspirational staff members and one extremely knowledgable tour guide. As my trip on United Synagogue Youth (USY) advanced through the summer, I grew evermore close with my group - Group Six. And, as we bonded, we also learned many life lessons which can be found below.
1. Drink Water
In the desert-like climate of Israel, it’s imperative to always be drinking water. Three liters a day keeps the dehydration away! Seriously, drink water.
2. Don't forget a hat
Hats are a live safer, literally. The importance of a good hat is often overlooked and even forgotten. Don't worry though - if you forgot your hat, staff is going to make you go back to your room and get it.
3. Be prepared for the bus' AC to break
If you're driving through 105 degree desert weather and the AC breaks, you won't die, you'll just suffer. When the temperature on the bus can reach 115 degrees, the dry desert air that ruins your hair will feel like a cool breeze.
4. Sleep? What's that?
Don't expect to sleep too much. You can hope for an eight o'clock wake-up - it might come along twice during the summer. Capitalize on quiet hours on the bus, sleep as much as you can and do not spend too much money on coffee.
5. One, two, three, cuatro, cinco...
This one's pretty simple: if you know the native language, go ahead and speak it. If not, learn a couple of phrases in the newly-discovered tongue and pretend you know what the other person is saying.