If you are like me, you love music. Music means the world to you, whether you're playing it, listening to it, or looking for new content.
It is often the case that we listen to more than one genre. People commonly dislike certain genres, but they usually like many more genres than they hate. And so, the issue of organizing your music arises.
Behold, the invention of playlists. Even before iTunes existed, there was the ancient art of the mixtape. Young high school boys across the country would think to themselves, "what 15 songs could I mesh together on one cassette tape to make that cute girl in my Chemistry class to fall in love with me?" Putting music together on one playlist is an age-old process. Here are a few tips to help you create those playlists in this modern age of music, no matter what genre you like:
1. Do Not Settle for "Decent Songs"
In your playlist-making endeavors, you will be finding a multitude of music. Throughout this search, you must keep in mind that you will quickly get tired of listening to songs that you think are, "just okay." Therefore, you should only add the songs that you love right away.
2. THEME, not GENRE!
No matter what genre of music you like, your genre of choice probably has several sub-genres. Making your playlists by simply meshing songs of the same general genre together will culminate in an inconsistent playlist. It is okay for music of different genres to be on the same playlist, as long as they give off the same vibe.
3. Pandora is your best friend
Pandora is one of the best mediums of musical exploration currently in existence. However, most people use it for the same function that they use playlists for. Using a playlist gives people the luxury of not having to skip songs that they don't like, which is why Pandora should only be used as a tool, for finding new music and not the main medium.
4. Keep Shazam ready at ALL TIMES!
You never know when you're going to hear a great song. Keep your playlists organized so that you can easily add music to whichever playlist fits the song you've found on the fly. Shazam is a great App that helps users identify good songs that they hear randomly. This will only help add depth to any music playlist you're developing.
5. Understand Your Mood
At the end of the day, music essentially serves as a trigger. We listen to specific kinds of music to feel specific ways. Whether these feelings are simple or complex, have a playlist that accounts for every one of your most common moods. After all, you're not going to want to hear heavy metal after your girlfriend broke up with you for giving her a crappy mixtape.
Happy playlist making, my friends.