During the school months, it's hard to keep up on our favorite hobbies. Hobbies are a healthy way to do something you enjoy and escape reality temporarily to mentally recharge. In college, we can't seem to find time for eating and a full night's rest let alone a fun hobby to enjoy every once in a while. Never fear! Summer is a great time to pick back up where you left off, or start an all-new stress-relieving hobby. Here's some summertime hobbies you'll actually want to try.
1. Take a fitness class/build healthy work-out habits
Look at it this way, something has got to get your lazy self through those gym doors in order to make that skimpy new bikini you bought fit properly. Make working out a fun hobby to do with friends, S.O. after work or early each morning. Try taking a summer class. It's a lot more fun, and gets you to go when it's part of your rigid everyday schedule. It'll get you kicking to go, and you'll start hitting the beach with a little more self-confidence.
2. Learn to Cook or Take Cooking Classes
Personally, I'm a take-out junky. I hate cooking for the sole reason that I have absolutely no patience, and much rather would eat the instant hunger strikes. The summertime gives you the perfect opportunity to take your time learning and experimenting with different foods and cooking methods. Cooking classes can be an intriguing and extremely helpful way to start from the bottom, and work your way to a personal culinary genius! It'll come in handy when you're back in your apartment, and out of four roommates you're the only one that's upgraded from nightly ramen.
3. Read a Novel –– Or Six!
You done rolling your eyes, now? Reading is great. Reading is food for the mind. Reading is the perfect way to escape reality. Take a book everywhere. Jump into something new and exciting from the recommended section of your library. Hit the second-hand book stores or order a biography of a personal favorite role model. Do whatever it takes to get a paper-pages book in your hand. None of this "kindle" crap.
4. Volunteer
I'm not talking about volunteering for the hours to put toward your organization or your resume. I'm talking about volunteering for YOU and something that is as rewarding to you as your time is to them. Check out the animal shelters, organize music at a local radio station, volunteer at local fairs and festivals- Stay interested and excited to give your time for something that helps you decompress.
5. Get Outdoorsy
Anything goes for this last summertime hobby. Do something that gets you active on a daily basis. Swimming, roller skating, kayaking, hiking, fishing, walking through area parkways, or maybe even bike riding. Staying active is important for a healthy body and mind. We often forget how peaceful it can be to go for a walk through the woods and listen to the trees and forest animals. Get out there and start enjoying the warm summer breeze.
Hobbies take a back seat to our busy college lives. Having a hobby you truly enjoy helps you become a well rounded person, and is naturally stress free. Take the summer months to pick up a new or forgotten hobby and remember how to love it again.