My mom is singlehandedly and without a doubt the most amazing woman I know.
She has bestowed upon me more wisdom than I know what to do with. If I wrote down every single lesson she ever taught me, I'd have the most insightful novel known to mankind. I honestly can't wait until I have children of my own so I can pass down these same words of wisdom.
"No matter how smart or pretty you are, none of it matters if you don't have a good, kind heart."
My mother taught me that not only is it important to be smart, but also kind. Actually, kindness is the most important trait you can have. It will carry you everywhere through life. You can be the most beautiful or most intelligent woman on the planet, but it has no meaning if you don't have a kind soul along with it. It doesn't matter if you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or a groundbreaking doctor that found the cure to cancer-if you don't treat everyone with kindness and respect, how successful are you actually?
"You won't accomplish anything if you don't have a good attitude."
How can you do anything if you have such a negative outlook on EVERYTHING? You can't drive a car by constantly looking in the rearview mirror. Similarly, you can't move forward and accomplish great things when you're constantly reliving your past mistakes. It's okay! Everyone messes up from time to time. Just let it go and walk with your head held high because you know you are a confident, beautiful, intelligent human being that's going to do amazing things in the world.
"Even if you don't succeed, all that matters is that you tried your best."
It doesn't matter how badly I crash and burn-as long as I did my best, I've made my mom proud. She taught me that it's not really about the outcome of the situation, but it's the effort you put into it and what you make of it that actually counts. Thanks to her, I now have the willpower and courage to go after anything and everything I want in life with full force. I'm never scared of the "what ifs" and what could happen. Because it's not about the destination, it's about the journey getting there.
" God has a greater plan for you than you have for yourself."
Whenever I'm feeling stressed, upset, or anxious, my mom always tells me to turn to God. He has greater guidance than anyone else could ever give me (even her!). I have learned to stop worrying about things that are out of my control, and to just trust His plan instead. It's so much easier and better in the end to simply have faith rather than rely on yourself to figure it out. Just like it says in Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."
"When you bless other people, Jesus will bless you."
This is by far the most important lesson I have learned from my mother. She taught me how to live selflessly and continue giving to others without expecting anything in return from them. Because it just feels good to know that you're blessing others and making an impact in their lives, and because the greatest reward comes from nothing and no one but the Lord himself. When you live, love, give and forgive like the godly woman the Bible tells you to be, you'll be the best version of yourself. And not only that, but it will make Him SO happy to see you committing your life to the well-being of others and in turn fulfilling His purpose for you. God is willing to take the time to change and better our lives if we just simply do the same for His other children.
Like I said, if I could write down every meaningful lesson I've learned from my mother, I'd have a whole novel. But I can't really do that at the moment, so this'll do for now. If you're reading this mom-I love you and am forever grateful for your wisdom and advice. <3