For the past few months, your life has been completely consumed by college-- going to class, doing homework, staying in the little bubble that being on campus and going to school can put you in sometimes. However, when November rolls around, it is FINALLY Thanksgiving break. With this break, there are so many great things that come along with it.
1. Your OWN Bathroom
Finally you get to shower without flip flops and pee in silence. It is the small thing that mean so much, and truly it is magical.
2. Seeing Friends
One of the greatest things about Thanksgiving break is being reuniting with all of your friends from home. Many, especially those that go to college far away, do not get the opportunity to come home until this time. When the reunion takes place with everyone you love and have missed so dearly for three months, it is a glorious feeling. It makes you realize that even though everything has changed, when you are all together again, it feels just like it always has.
3. Family
One of the best parts of the holidays has always been seeing family. After being away at school, though, seeing family is even more meaningful now. There is nothing quite like being surrounded by all of your loved ones, participating in old holiday traditions, watching football together. It is so refreshing to be around people you know and are comfortable around, after being surrounded by all new people the past few months. Plus, your parents helping out with laundry doesn't hurt either!
4. Your Own Bed
This one kind of speaks for itself. Is there really many things better than getting under the covers of your own bed after a long time away?
Thanksgiving has always been known for the delicious food you get to enjoy. Turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, the list goes on and on. After starving 24/7 at school, living off top ramen, suddenly the food is a million times better.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, but after being at school, it makes you appreciate everything just a little bit more.