The Christmas season usually brings good tidings and joy, but not for students struggling to get by already. The most wonderful time of the year can sometimes be a real drag when you are trying to find gifts for all of your loved ones and friends when you can barely manage to pay the bills on your own.
Fortunately for us, Pinterest and other available sites can be used to come up with creative and sometimes crafty gift ideas. Unfortunately for the not-so-crafty people out there, this can leave some people drawing a blank.
Regardless if you are the next Crafts with Carl or not, here are five creative gifts to give this holiday season.
1. Recipes in a jar
Super easy and edible is always a winning Christmas gift. Take a mason jar and fill it with the dry ingredients from their favorite cookies to make a super cool Christmas present, and then attach the recipe and baking instructions. This is not limited to just cookies- I've also seen this done with hot chocolate recipes as well.
Who knows, maybe they'll share.
2. Instagram magnets
With Instagram being one of the most popular apps on everyone's phone, this gift will more than likely be a pleaser to anyone with a fridge. Pick out some of your favorite photos and print them for a thoughtful and fun gift. There are websites like Prinstagram that offer 10 magnets for only 14 dollars.
3. Coffee mugs
My personal belief is you can never have too many coffee mugs, or mugs for tea or other beverages for all the coffee haters out there (I don't understand you people). Finding or making a personable mug for the receiver is also fun as well, whether they love monograms or relate to Grumpy Cat. Extra points if you include a little coffee creamer or mix on the inside for the person to enjoy with their new mug.
4. Blanket scarf
With cold weather creeping in, everyone needs a simple scarf. Whether it's to throw on to keep them warm out the door or for a fashion statement, it's a super simple gift to put together. Go to your local fabric store and pick out a cool design, then just simply cut and let them enjoy.
5. Scrapbook Box
For a meaningful and easy gift, take a box and fill it with memories. Find pictures, nicknacks and mementos that you have with the person. Find cheap scrapbook paper and modge podge it onto the box, and type out funny memories and make a book to put in the box. Cigar boxes make for a really cool box if you can get your hands on one.