7 Fitness Tips For Lazy People | The Odyssey Online
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7 Fitness Tips For Lazy People

Conquer your inner couch potato!

7 Fitness Tips For Lazy People

Are you a lazy person, like me? Do you avoid physical activity unless absolutely necessary? Then, listen up!

As much as some of us hate it, exercise needs to be part our lives, especially during college. The freshman 15 hit me hard and the sophomore 15 hit me even harder. Now, at the beginning of my junior year, I refuse to let that happen again. Being the lazy person that I am, finding motivation to workout is extremely difficult. So here are some of my personal tips so you can be the fittest you ever!

1. Get your swag on!

If you are on the fence about working out, get up and put on your workout clothes. You are way more likely to actually exercise if you are all ready. No one wants to waste an outfit! Plus if you invest in some stylish workout gear, you’ll want to wear it (my favorite place to get cute, but cheap active wear is Old Navy; their compression pants are my life). I just invested in a Flipbelt (an alternative to an armband for your phone or iPod that goes around your waist and is basically the coolest thing I own) and I’m obsessed with it, but I only let myself use it if I’m exercising. Works like a charm.

    2. Workout Tinder anyone?

    Everything is 100 times more fun with another person. Make a fitness pact with your best friend or roommate, or anyone you trust, to kick your butt into action. Having another person working towards the same goal as you will make you more accountable. Take walks together, find a fun workout class, or just schedule gym dates (and yell at each other if you get too lazy).

    3. Don’t be shy, ask for help!

    If you don’t know where to start, use your resources. There are tons of books, websites, and other fit people to ask for help. I had my mom (who is basically Hercules) walk me through our gym at home and show me how to use every machine. There are also many free programs to follow online to help you build up your workouts (a great one to try is exrx.net). Youtube will be your best friend. Not only does it have fun workouts you can follow, it also has instructional videos on how to perform difficult moves.

    4. Find a fun new way to sweat.

    Everyone's body is different, thus everyone has a different favorite workout. Try some new workouts to find out which suits you. Some people love cardio (running, biking, hiking), some love weight lifting (I pick things up and put them down), some love fun classes (like kickboxing, Zumba, or hip hop). Check out some of the options your gym or school offers to find your new favorite. Exercise is supposed to be fun!

    5. Think long term.

    Exercise is so important for our bodies. Not only does it help you maintain a healthy weight, daily exercise also helps prevent your chances of getting certain illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. (Check this out for more information.) Exercise is also probably the best stress reliever, ever. If you’re pissed at your roommate, run out your frustration. If you’re anxious about an upcoming test, go Zumba your worries away. Even if you’re just having a bad day, doing a quick 30-minute workout can turn your entire mood around. Gotta love those endorphins!

    6. Don’t push yourself too hard.

    Unfortunately, you cannot become a pro athlete over night. Start small. Ignore the guy in the corner of the gym grunting while he lifts 200 pounds. Rock your five-pound weights proudly -- the point is that you are trying. No one can take that away from you. In the immortal words of Hannah Montana, “nobody’s perfect.” If you skip a day or two of working out, don’t beat yourself up. We all have bad weeks. Use your slip-ups as extra motivation. Prove to yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to!

    7. Reward yourself.

    Treat yo'self! If you’ve been doing a great job, treat yourself to a massage or a new outfit. Celebrate your fitness, you deserve it!

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