With college admission season coming and going as fast as the seasons change, a reoccurring issue with students all over is being denied from the college of their dreams. Students normally acknowledge the idea that their rejection comes from poor grades or lack of involvement in their community. Though, many do not blame themselves and accuse colleges of using race over merit for acceptance. Affirmative action has been Abigail Fisher’s belief as to why she didn’t get into University of Texas, Austin in 2008.
The school that denied her accepts the top 10 percent of students from all Texas high schools then the remainder of students are accepted on the basis on clubs, testing scores, race, etc. University of Texas, Austin also complied with all rules and admission requirements that were laid out in Grutter v. Bollinger.
Fisher has made this an ongoing court case since her rejection, it has gone through the Texas court system, Court of Appeals, and finally has gone up to the Supreme Court. With a 4-3 decision against Fisher, she finally lost in the highest and most powerful court in the country. This has enraged the conservatives throughout the country due to their constant and ongoing fight against affirmative action in the country. This case had almost a predictable outcome with similar outcomes coming out of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger with the plaintiff loosing and affirmative action being defended.
President Obama has shown his support of the Supreme Court’s decision from the White House stating, “I’m pleased that the Supreme Court upheld the basic notion that diversity is an important value in our society … we are not a country that guarantees equal outcomes, but we do strive to provide an equal shot to everybody.” Many other liberal politicians and supporters of affirmative action were overjoyed with the Supreme Court’s decision. Some other similar court cases that involve Harvard and UNC Chapel Hill have been told that, as of now, this case will not hinder the progress of their cases.
Abigail Fisher ended up attending Louisiana State University and is now working in Finance as a business analysis in Austin.