1. Showing up on campus not knowing anyone.
You try to be as nice and warm as possible because that’s how you make friends. By the end of the day you’ve made 50 friends whose names you don’t remember and will probably never speak to again. Your face also hurts from smiling.
2. Going through Orientation Week without opening a single notebook.
You’re thinking, “This is it, this is what college is college is all about. Life is great! Next four years of my life here I come!” Little do you know that this is not college at all. Orientation Week is basically like summer camp for college students
3. Walking out of your first class after Syllabus week.
What do you mean I have three homework assignments, a six page essay and four powerpoint presentations due tomorrow?
4. Getting your first grade back after thinking you failed.
You know, this only took me five hours, three mental breakdowns, two visits to the writing center and one hundred tears but I guess that A- is worth it.
5. When Halloweekend rolls around.
There are two kinds of girls on Halloween, ones who dress up as some sort of animal and get drunk, or ones who only want scary movies and sugar.
6. Spending a week straight in the library until 2 AM.
Because every professor decides it’s a great idea to schedule their midterm on the same day.
7. Going to clubs because they all told you there’d be food.
Did you say pizza? I'll be there.
8. Having your first fight with your roommate.
I’m sorry I drank one of your apple juices without asking, but to be fair I fed your fish this whole week!
9. Trying to figure out who’s going to get out of bed to answer the door.
Even though you may be closer to the door by 5 inches, you answered it two weeks ago. Plus you’re doing statistics homework and your roommate's just watching Netflix.
10. Finally seeing your long distance boyfriend after months.
I really needed a hug about three weeks ago but I guess you can hug me now to make up for it.
11. Creating your first resume.
12. Knowing you have 600 things to do and deciding to nap instead.
13. Trying to schedule classes for Spring Semester.
14. Having to sit in lecture and listen to dumb questions halfway through the semester.
Did you really just ask what a verb is? Are you sure you’re in college?15. Thinking you’re the only one still feeling lost.
16. Finally going home for Thanksgiving break and not eating dining hall food.
Thanksgiving break is basically four short days filled with all your favorite homemade foods. Just incase you didn’t realize how bad the dining hall food you’ve been eating for the past few months is, now you have a reminder of what you’re missing.17. Coming back from thanksgiving and realizing you only have two more weeks until winter break!
14 days? I got this.
18. Going through finals week for the first time.
And crying every step of the way.19. Walking out of your last final.
The best feeling is knowing that no matter how bad you did its finally over and you can go enjoy winter break… before you start all over next semester.