1. Random mental breakdowns.
in college a good cry is an important thing. Think of it as your body's way of detoxing the stress. Crying is acceptable anywhere on campus- a total judge free zone because most students probably feel like breaking down right then and crying themselves.
2. Midnight food binges
They don't call it the freshman fifteen for nothing. Welcome to the luxury of an unlimited meal plan and the delicacy that is ramen noodles. You will find yourself becoming hungrier later and later at night until suddenly it's 3am and you "need" a 3 course meal. It happens.
3. Running out of $$$
Budgeting is serious in college. Unless mum & dad are there at your service to provide you with unlimited cash (ahem, not fair if that's the case) you will probably run out of money a couple of times during first semester. You may suddenly find the urge to splurge on that one dress that you want to wear to that one party. It's college, I get it. I survived on 8 dollars for two weeks, it is possible.
4. Finding your people
Don't be afraid to make the effort to make friends. Finding your crowd at college is 10x easier than it may seem- you will find people. There are too many students for you not to find someone/multiple someone's who mesh with you right away. Two semesters later & my closest friends are now my roommates for sophomore year, holla.
5. Being homesick
You are allowed to miss home. You are allowed to go home when necessary. (Unless you decide to go to school in South Carolina, 900 miles away from home, but maybe that's just me).