Coming here only two weeks after my high school graduation, and having never been away from home longer than a weekend of sleepovers; it was safe to say I was nervous to be away and living on my own. Although I never thought these words would ever be written by myself especially, I have to admit it: I summer school and I can't wait to move back in for the fall.
1. The Home Sickness.
Going from goodnight hugs from my parents one night, suddenly to goodnight texts and FaceTimes. I missed everything from my dog, my bed, my parents, my friends--the list goes on. But after the first few nights of desperately missing everything about home (mainly my bed), I realized that there comes a time for everyone to "grow up."
2. Making New Friends.
Making a good group of friends is key to feeling comfortable in your new environment. Within the first two days here I made group of best friends from all over the world who I'd do anything for and I know would do anything for me. From people I meet in class to people I meet at parties, everyone is super friendly and accepting. As far as making friends goes, nobody should ever have to worry.
3. Your Roommate.
In my schools case, rooming assignments were done randomly--which worried me more than anything. What I didnt know was that no matter how different or similar you and your roommate are, everything works itself out and happens for a reason. I'm extremely lucky to have gotten such an amazing roommate and suite mates. We've grown to all love each other, and it turns out there was nothing to worry about in the first place. I'll miss living with them when we move back in the fall.
4. Waiting Until You Have Absolutely No Clothes Left To Do The Worst Thing Ever--LAUNDRY.
*facetimes mom crying for help*
5. The Freedom.
No curfew or quiet hours?? Sign me up!
Coming from a strict home, freedom can be both an amazing yet scary thing.
6. Time Management and Self Control.
Being queen on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) makes it very difficult to sit in my room doing dull homework if you're hearing blasting music and people having fun down the hall. Peer pressure is a powerful thing. Work or partying? What a tough decision.
7. Taking Care of Yourself.
When was the last time I got my nails done? Ate a good meal? Worked out? Is it the freshman fifteen or freshman fifty?
8. The Plague.
I'm not sick. I can't be. Not happening.
Getting sick in college is possibly the saddest thing without a parent by your side, and its even scarier to see how fast tiny things like colds spread in college. Coming from a major hypochondriac, if you're sick: STAY AWAY.
9. The Napping. Oh All of The Napping.
But how can I have an 8 AM with only three hours of sleep???? No.
How did I ever survive without naps? Odds are if I'm missing at any time anywhere, I am 1000% sleeping, and enjoying it.
10. Move Out Day.
I have to do WHAT? From having such a good time that you don't even want to go home to not wanting to know what its like to move out after going through move in day--it just won't be fun for anyone. But then again, who isn't excited to go home to their friends, pets, family, and HOME COOKED MEALS??