Well guys the first week of school has been here and gone for some of us. For me personally it has been a little hectic and stressful. Between my full time job working midnights at a nursing home and being short staffed to where I have to stay most days and dropping a class due to a conflict with another class, it has been crazy.
My tip for all of the college and even high school students would be to just relax and breathe. I stress out over so many things its crazy but I have some ways of handling it.
One way that I have found to be effective is to go to your quiet spot and read or listen to music or even make a craft. Working with my hands and making something productive takes all my stress away. It calms me down and relaxes me.
Another trick is to talk to someone. You can talk with a parent, a best friend, a loved one or even your advisor. My advisor loves it when I come in and talk with her about how school is going for me so far. She also answers all my questions to the best of her ability and she helps me out all the time. I also talk to my mom about everything and she also helps relieve some stress I might be having. My boyfriend also helps with the stress I have. He takes my mind off of it by being loving or silly.
My last tip is to write it down. I have a notebook that I write in and I write down what is on my mind and once a week I try to look at it. When I go back and read it some of the things have either resolved themselves or they got worked out somehow. This helps me because if I see a reoccurring thing being wrote down I think about it and I pray about it. Most of the time after a few weeks I get the answer I need.
Do not let stress freak you out or even make you lose sleep. Just relax and try some of my tips and if that doesn't work just pray about it and God will guide you through it.