I still can’t believe the first week of spring semester has officially ended. Heck, I still can’t believe winter break ended. I still vividly remember dying at the library during finals week like it was yesterday, but dang. Finals ended. Winter break ended. And the first week of spring semester ended. Time FLIES.
As winter break was coming to an end, I was getting more excited to move back into my apartment and restart school. I missed pranking my roommates every day, randomly hosting sleepovers at my friend’s apartments, and seeing my friends almost every second of the day.
Sunday night, the night before school restarted, I was incredibly ecstatic. I packed my healthy lunch (#newyearsresolution, which failed :(,) took out my clothes, and organized my backpack. I was excited.
But then I missed three alarms Monday morning. I woke up and I felt like I got hit by a train. And that’s when I realized that school was back in full swing. I realized that I missed winter break and waking up late and being able to stay in my warm bed and not think about responsibilities. I realized that this was going to be my life until May. Well, crap.
The mornings weren’t the only painful things. Syllabus week is nice and all because some classes usually end early after the professors finish going over the syllabus, but it also sucks because you realize all that you’re going to have to do this semester. The amount of presentations I have for one of my classes baffles me. And the amount of quizzes for another, my lord! Though the school part is pretty overwhelming, I seriously loved coming back to school. I loved seeing my friends, I loved those reunion bear hugs, and I loved catching up with everyone.
I’m pretty excited for school this semester. Yes, it gets really overwhelming, but I think we forget to cherish these truly special years of our lives. Aim for that 4.0, but also remember to turn up with your friends. Go make memories that you won’t forget. Go do shit you won’t be able to do when you graduate. Enjoy.