Whether you are a senior and have attended the same university all 4 years, you will still be just as overwhelmed as any freshman starting college. I say that because I am a junior starting my second year at the University of West Georgia. With that said, I am pretty familiar with the campus. However, I still get all the jitters any new student does walking into an unfamiliar classroom.
As I get closer to senior year, I am starting to realize that these feelings will never die down, and here are the top 5 reasons why:
1. Introducing Yourself to the Class
Okay, so this may not be as big of a deal to the people who are great at speaking in front of big groups of people. However, when I am put in front of a classroom and told to say my name and a fun fact about myself, I tend to freeze. Why you ask? Well, I have come to find out that talking about myself is always the hardest thing to discuss, especially when it is in front of a bunch of strangers. I know I am not the only junior or student in general who dreads it. At the end of the day, we will survive and overcome our stupid little fear of speaking in front of others, and eventually create new friendships from it.
2. Reading Over the Syllabus
All professors provide a syllabus that explains their classroom and the way they run the show. In the syllabus, you will also find their grading scale and how each percentage of an exam or assignment is worth. Now, when I see this I start to do the math in my head of what it would take for me to absolutely fail this class. I literally think the worse before class even begins. If I provide you with any useful information from this article, it would be to trust your gut and know you have what it takes to pass the class regardless. Professors sometimes make their syllabuses to be very intimidating on purpose, but their classes always end up being the most resourceful and fun.
3. The Short Amount of Days You Have to Drop/Add a Class
This is another situation that tends to be very stressful the first week of school. The decision of whether or not to drop a class based on the level of difficulty. Then, the decision to add a class chancing whether or not it will be better or worse. All while doing this within the first three days of classes to be guaranteed a refund. Now, if reading that did not just stress you out, then you are lying. After attending the first class, and reading over your syllabus you will automatically ask yourself whether or not that class is right for you. Just trust your instinct and do not add a class unless you are certain it is right for you. Remember you always have next semester!
4. Getting Books
Buying textbooks is obviously the worst part about starting back to school. Obviously, we would much rather spend what little money we have on other things. However, when it comes to saving money on a textbook, I have found Chegg to be my best friend. Now, if your class requires an access code, then, I am sorry to say that you will be about $100 or more short on cash. I just wanted to warn you freshman. Luckily, not every class will require a textbook. Also, do not stress yourself out and order a textbook before your first face to face class meeting. You could be wasting your money on something that will not even be used.
5. Writing Down All the Due Dates in Your Planner
This is the final part of your stressful week, where you will possibly add even more stress on your plate..... at least for me anyways. If you are all for being organized, then one thing you will do is go through your course schedule and write down all the due dates for your assignments in your calendar. While you are doing this, you will come across all the different projects you will have within those classes, and how many exams you may have on the same day. I become stressed before the stress is even there to stress about, like how silly is that? This is when I take a deep breathe and make a note to study and plan ahead of time for that week. If you are a procrastinator, like myself, then you know how impossible that may sound. I promise, if you really want to do well on those assignments then you will do whatever it takes to make the A.
I am sure these 5 reasons listed probably relate to all college students in some way.I hope the extra things I provided to each reason helps you overcome each overwhelming feeling that comes with it. You can do it!!