College is an odd thing. We leave home to stay in a small room with a random person. Then we go to school, but are expected to do a lot more work than we are used to. There are so many emotions that come with the first week of Freshman year. Taylor Swift is a pretty emotional, yet stellar person. Here are all of the crazy feelings that go along with the first week of college, as told by T-Swizzle.
1. The excitement of setting up your dorm stuff is real.
2. It's also odd to know that you are old enough to live on your own.
You are pretty sure you were five like yesterday. How can you be old enough to have your own dorm and live on your own?
3. You find people that are very similar to you.
There are people you meet who are so much like to you, it's like you were separated at birth. Meeting them is like finding "your people." There will also be those who are very different from you, but your personalities still mesh really well.
4. But you also meet people you will probably avoid for the next year.
Yes, you meet a ton of great people... but you still meet some who you'll be avoiding for various reasons.
5. What people think you are doing.
For some reason, everyone associates college with massive parties, but that's not the case for everyone. C'mon people...we know that not everything is like the movies.
6. What you are actually doing.
"No, mom. I'm not at a party. I'm actually just eating Chick-fil-a in my dorm while watching Netflix." Disclaimer: We can't have cats on campus, or there would probably be a cat with me too.
7. Not calling your parents to ask for permission is also really weird, but it makes you feel like a G.
In high school, I always had to call my parents and ask for permission before doing anything. In college you have the freedom to go as you please. So--- yes, mom, I've left after midnight to go get Steak-n-Shake, but I promise I didn't do anything too wild. This new found freedom is pretty weird, but it makes you feel pretty cool and adult-like.
8. Going to the cafeteria for the first time is also really different and kinda awkward.
Where do I start? And where am I supposed to sit? How many plates is it socially acceptable for me to get?
9. And when you see a cute guy... Well, what you think you look like.
We all know that college= tons of new eye candy.
10. What you actually look like.
If you are anything like me, flirting isn't really your forte.
11. You don't know know what to wear
Is it acceptable for me to wear sweatpants yet or??? Maybe I should look halfway decent for a few days?
12. Your schedule is so packed that you are in desperate need of sleep.
From campus wide events to going on late night food runs, you will miss sleep. You are getting up early and going to bed late. This is when you really start missing your bed.
13. Then you start missing home and begin crying.
Crying becomes a daily thing, but everyone does it (Whether they admit it or not) so don't feel bad.
14. Your roommate is looking at you like..
He/she doesn't wanna intrude on your crying session, so they try and comfort from afar.
15. But you are still super excited for this new chapter of your life.
While everything is still very new and different, you are stoked to begin a new part in your life. You know things are changing and that it will be a roller coaster, but you are getting steps closer to reaching your dreams!