Whether it's your first, first week of college classes as a freshman, or you're experiencing your first week of classes for the second or third time, it is always an experience. From moving in, getting to meet new people and see friends you met previously, figuring out just the right time to leave your dorm to get to class on time, and all the in between, there is no better show to relate our mutual feelings about the first week of classes than Spongebob Square Pants.
1. The night before classes.
You have all of your notebooks and binders organized and ready to go. You are ready for whatever the first day has to throw at you.
2. Waking up for that 8 a.m. lecture.
Maybe staying up until 4 a.m. with your new floor mates wasn't the best idea, especially when you haven't gotten up before noon all summer.
3. Trying to remember where your classes are.
All of the building look the same. Which class are you going to again? Better stop and ask someone who looks like they know where they're going for help and pray they give you easy-to-follow directions.
4. When you walk into your class and no absolutely no one.
Sitting by yourself can't be as bad as sitting by that weird kid in the corner who is shouting at their laptop.
5. When the cutest person on campus walks into your class and sits by you.
Hello, do you come here often?
6. When your professor jumps right into lecturing.
Not only is he lecturing right now, but we have a quiz next Wednesday. Hasn't he ever heard of Syllabus week?
7. When you make it through the week.
One week down, 14 to go!