With the last semester of college coming up, it can be interesting to reflect on the first semester you ever had and just how little you knew. Take a trip down memory lane and thank the universe for not being that gullible freshman anymore.
1. Your outfit
Photo by Jessica Furtney on Unsplash
Fall, freshman year: You try to look cute as possible. Your outfit is on point and your hair and makeup are done.
Spring, senior year: It snowed, and now you're wearing the shoes that will be most likely to keep you safe and you are bundled in five layers.
2. Your supplies
Photo by David Pennington on Unsplash
Fall, freshman year: You have all the textbooks you need, notebooks for every class, and three pencils in your new book bag.
Spring, senior year: You haven't even thought about ordering textbooks, your book bag is falling apart, and you remember to throw a pencil in your bag as you're walking out the door.
3. Your mindset
Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash
Fall, freshman year: You're nervous about your classes but excited to learn new things
Spring, senior year: You don't know where your classes are, and nothing sounds remotely interesting. Why do I have to be here? I'm already in grad school or know what I'm doing with my life.
4. Your friend group
Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash
Fall, freshman year: You desperately try to find other people in your class and the idea of sitting by yourself gives you anxiety. Once you get to class, you try to talk to everyone near you and make friends.
Spring, senior year: You know most (if not all) the people in your major, you have at least one friend in your class, or you just don't really mind sitting by yourself anymore, let alone trying to make small talk with strangers at one of your 9ams.
5. Your confidence
Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash
Fall, freshman year: You feel like you know nothing and everyone is older and wiser than you. You can't wait until you're their age and know everything.
Spring, senior year: You realize that there is no such thing as wisdom and that you're still not really prepared. The difference is is that now you just don't care.