I recently got my first tattoo. I was nervous during the week leading up to the appointment. Would it hurt? How much will it hurt? Is it going to look good? Will I chicken out? During the drive to the parlor, I kept looking at the tattoo I picked out. I would never regret the design, but I kept bouncing between places to put it. It was from my hip to my ankle to the back of my neck, finally choosing on my wrist.
Make sure you pick a spot that you like. Not your friends.
The reason I kept bouncing around was because people kept disapproving of the spot I chose. People said it should be on my hip or shoulder or ribs, but the problem is, those are places that don't show. They can show wearing certain clothing items that will show my skin. I don't wear those items because I don't like showing my skin. I know a tattoo is supposed to be about you, but I do need it in a place where I can show it off. My wrist was the best idea because I wear a lot of long sleeves, so it will only be shown during the summer.
The tattoo doesn't have to hold a deep meaning.
My tattoo is the Batman symbol. The Michael Keaton Batman symbol to be more specific. I chose it simply because I love Batman. Always have and always will. It holds value to me, and I don't need people telling me that it is a stupid reason to get a tattoo. I love my tattoo. At night, I will look at it and smile and just be happy that I finally got it.
The problem is that I am worried about what everyone else would say I know that I should ignore them since it is my body, I can't help but wonder what they are thinking. When I was discussing it with them, I would get a "really?" look. I just want to be able to do what I want and not get disapproving looks.
It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
My tattoo artist put the needle to my arm without any ink so I can get a feel for it before. That was so I don't jerk my arm with a needle that does hold ink. It didn't hurt at all. I wasn't phased by the whole thing. No tears, no pain on my face, nothing. After I got it, there was nothing. I felt nothing. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe some bright light going off in my head, but nothing happened. I paid, got in the car, made it home, and stared at my tattoo for a good 20 minutes. Nothing changed for me. No big plan opened up in my mind. I was just me with disapproving looks from people. Maybe when it is healed, I can act normal since I won't be worried about my tattoo. Life would go as usual.