A small dimly lit sushi restaurant is our setting, it fits about 50 people and has about 4 servers on staff at all times along with one hostess. The music varied based on the bartender that night, although it usually always sounded the same. BABA Sushi was owned by Wilson Wang and he was very proud of what he had accomplished in the last two years of it being open. I had already put on a character to get the job. I had made it seem like I had tons of food experience but this was much different then some Dunkin Donuts. You had to be much more friendly for this along with showing genuine interest
I was trained by a girl named Joanna and she had done some of the best acting I have ever seen in that restaurant. My first night on staff Joanna had defused an angry customer claiming to be Wilson’s best friend when in reality he just didn’t make a reservation. It was a very busy place and they had put me on delivery and orders, that’s when I was taught and applied my first lesson from Joanna.
“Speak one pitch higher and say you love that menu item if they ask you about it, It always sells.” Very reluctant I went to the take-out station and waited for my first phone call. The phone rang and I hesitated to answer but Joanna smiled and gave me a thumbs up.
"Hello BABA Sushi This is Elycea." Joanna nudged me a tad and whispered; "Sound more excited" I breathed in quickly and without skipping a beat with this new found energy
"How may I help you today, would you like to hear our specials!" The person on the other end responded with the same enthusiasm I had given, finishing the order and hanging up the phone the first thing I heard was an I told you so. It baffled me for a bit as to why the person on the other line had become so excited. I was told if I were to keep that attitude that working at BABA would be a piece of cake.
Later that night I would learn to apply that same energy when it came to dealing with people, angry or impatient people in particular. When having a customer that is angry over wait times, offer them a drink menu and give sincere apologizes, works every time. I've learned that people do not like to wait for food in any way shape or form. In fact, they will throw a fit. I'd like to name my character Leacee, She was cheerful and very good at dealing with people.
I remember last Valentine's day, in particular, I had a couple come in who were not happy in the least. Let's call them the Smith's for the sake of confidentiality Mr.Smith has promised his girlfriend a lovely and romantic Sushi dinner. Unfortunately, we had been booked for Valentine's day for about month in advance. I would be able to get him two seats at the sushi bar if and only if they would be able to finish their meal in an hour and a half, but they would have to wait about twenty minutes.
Ms.Smith was fuming mad worried that they wouldn't have time to eat. The switch in my head then went off and Leacee came out. "Well, you could order drinks now! That way you skip that step and just go straight to eating! And I could give you a menu so you have an idea of what you want!." You saw her face go from a 10 to a two in a matter of seconds, she was ecstatic with my idea. Later that night I received a 50 dollar tip from the Smiths. Goes to show happiness goes a very long way in the world, even if it’s fake.