So I have been talking about getting a tattoo for a while, and when my friend mentioned we should get one together, I just could not resist. We walked into a recommended tattoo shop and boom, before I knew it we picked a date. I was confident and knew I'd have no problem with the pain. My friend suggested she go first because:
“There's no way I can see you go through it and not be terrified,” she said.
So I thought, "Sure that's a great idea; tough me will have no problem going second!"
As the date approached, I had a mixture of emotions running through me. I was excited; however, this familiar feeling was starting to take over. Nervousness. I haven’t been truly nervous over something in a very long time; I’m just not the kind of person who lets things bother them. But boy, was this ever making me nervous! I spent the entire morning before the appointment with a stomach ache … yeah, I was nervous to the point where I felt like I could vomit. My brother quickly calmed me down; he was confident I would be able to handle the pain no problem. He has three tattoos, so I trusted his opinion.
Finally, the big day arrived and we drove to the shop. As I walked up the stairs my heart began to race, but I told myself to be tough. I nervously sat in the chair as the artist prepared. He had a calming effect to him; the more he talked the more comfortable and relaxed I became. He cracked jokes and exaggerated how painful it would be in hopes to scare me a little so I’d imagine it worse than it was going to be.
My friend was first. She laid on the table and with a slight panic asked him to let her know when we was about to start. As the tattoo began, she pressed her fingers into her forehead and a slight look of discomfort came across her face. I was honestly extremely impressed with how she kept herself together. She looked like she was taking an uncomfortable nap. 25 minutes later her tattoo was done, which meant I was next.
I was really nervous with how this was about to go. My friend looked like she had no problem with it, which you would think settled my nerves, but honestly I didn’t know what to think at that point. My friend was confident my pain tolerance was higher, but now was the moment of truth.
I was lying on the table prepared for the needle to hit my skin (on my ribs, which was supposedly one of the more painful spots) and send a pulse of pain through my body. But that didn’t happen. As the needle ran through my skin, I was pleasantly surprised. The pain I was experiencing was nowhere near what I prepared for. I mean, it was uncomfortable, but nothing I wasn’t going to be able to handle. I clenched my teeth a few times and made a few dramatic faces (so I was told), but honestly my first tattoo experience was much more enjoyable than I expected.
Who would have known?