League of Legends is a game that was created by a company called Riot Games in 2009. It has since increased in popularity and can be considered the current most popular game in the world. Riot Games hosts their own professional tournaments which have sold out arenas such as the Staples Center, Madison Square Garden, and the Seoul World Cup Stadium. With its growing popularity, more people find themselves curious about what makes the game so entertaining. While the game itself is always changing, there are a few basics that have stayed consistent over the several years the game has been played. These basics are known by nearly everyone who plays the game casually or professionally and will make it easier for anyone looking to start playing.
League of Legends fits into a genre of games called MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Before the game starts, two teams of five players are created and they are each put into a lobby. In this pre-game lobby, players can speak with their teammates and decide what the best plan will be for winning the game. Each player must then pick what character they would like to play as out of the over one hundred characters there are available. Each character has different strengths in weaknesses and can affect the overall strategy the team employs. Once every player as chosen their character, the game begins.
Once the game has started, both teams will be placed on opposite sides of the map; the side a team starts on is their base. The map is diamond shaped with three paths called lanes that lead into each team’s base. The space between each path is called the jungle and contains several smaller paths as well as several monsters which grant the players special rewards when they are slain. Scattered along each path are sentry turrets that guard each team’s base and will attack players if they get too close. These turrets can be destroyed and reward the opposite team when they are. Learning the map and all the things found in it is an easy way to start understanding how the game works and how to gain an advantage over the other team.
The overall goal of League of Legends, like most games, is to win. In order to do that, a team must work together to push into the enemy team’s base. Each base has a structure in the center called the nexus. Destroying the other team’s nexus is the key to winning the match. In order to do this, a team must overpower their enemies and push down most or all of their sentry turrets. Throughout the game, players will earn gold naturally over time as well as a large amount every time they slay an enemy player or monster. Gold earned can be used to purchase items in the shop that will empower the player’s character and make it easier for him or her to defeat their opponents. The items a player should purchase depends on the character they are playing and the state of the game. Once a team has acquired enough items, they will be able to push into the enemy base, destroy the nexus and win the game.
League of Legends is a rather slow paced game with match times that can last between 30 to 45 minutes. It is highly recommend that you have at least an hours worth of time before starting a match because a person who leaves a game early puts their team at a disadvantage and can have their accounts banned indefinitely. And while game may seem like a lot of work, it can be very fun when played with friends or by yourself. There are several characters to choose from and several ways to play the game. There will almost always be something new to try and Riot Games is constantly changing and adding new features to keep it feeling fresh and new. It may take a few tries to get the hang of it and there are many other important concepts players should know when playing any MOBA; but, it all becomes worth it when the victory screen flashes in front of you at the end of a well fought battle.