I went into the first presidential debate viewing with low expectations, and I'm proud to say that those minimal expectations were barely met. The "debate" was little more than a childish argument, consisting of the two candidates throwing jab after jab at each other rather than outlining the policies that I'm hoping every American watching would've preferred to have been discussed. With topics ranging from issues of gender and race all the way to cyber terrorism and ISIS, it was clear from the beginning that the debate would be a volatile and heated event.
Throughout this election season, I've tried to stay out of all of the debate and controversy that's engulfed every social media platform on this planet. I finally decided to get involved, hoping for either candidate to give me a reason to vote for him/her rather than throwing my first presidential vote at a third party candidate that doesn't have a chance at winning. As I expected, I was given no such reason. I wanted policy discussion and actual debate, and I got none of that.
I wanted to hear actual platforms for how the two plan to reform policing in this country and how they plan to repair the racial divide, and I barely got any of that. Yes, Trump said he thinks there needs to be more law and order while Clinton focused more on improving community relations, but how do they plan on doing that? Focusing on community policing as well as giving more money to police departments to train them more in this community relations as well as helping with mental health issues are very important, but how will that be implemented? Neither actually got to that point, instead throwing up smokescreen after smokescreen just to win over voters who have no idea what either is talking about.
The discussion of tax brackets and bringing manufacturing jobs back from overseas didn't go much better, hardly discussing how either would implement their plans or even going over what their actual plans entail. Let's be honest here: the majority of those watching likely had no idea what either candidate was talking about when it came to revitalizing the economy, and that's the problem. They need to make it simple for everyone to understand so that we as Americans can make an informed decision, and that was not given to us as viewers. I'm tired of the dodging of every question and resorting to tearing each other down on a personal level whenever an opportunity to do so presents itself.
It's clear that there's a problem with how people are viewing this race when each time either candidate took a personal shot at the other, the viewing audience at the event (and likely everyone at home watching on the couch) laughed and encouraged the two children bickering on national television. It was honestly pathetic to watch as the two scoffed at each other whenever they had differing opinions on any topic, even something as menial as tweeting. What happened to politics? Can we please get some actual debating over topics that actually matter to this country?
I've tried to remain as impartial to this election as possible so that I may give either side a chance to persuade me to vote for him/her, and I left the first debate with more questions than answers. Some topics of discussion were so pointless that I simply stopped listening. The moderator, Lester Holt, honestly must have hated his life during this debate trying to control the two children, and it was pitiful to watch.
For the sake of everyone in this country that cares about where this nation is headed, I hope the next debate is better than this one, because the best part of the debate was when it finally ended. With all that said, I think I can say with confidence who won this debate: no one.
Go America.