For those of you who are very interested in the Presidential Race of 2016, you have a lot on your mind. Do I want the first female president or is a successful businessman someone we need? Either way, there are so many controversial arguments at the moment. This presidential race is almost over and our time to shine comes in November of this year. For those of you who did not watch the first Presidential Debate on September 26, 2016 at 9:00 P.M. with Mr. Donald Trump and Secretary Hillary Clinton, there was a lot that you missed.
First off, guests were asked to be silent during the debate out of respect for the candidates and their responses to the questions. With this said, the audience members respected that request, to an extent, and the debate began.
Now, I can put into perspective both parties and give a play-by-play of the first debate, but then again where is my opinion. So, with that said I thought this debate was absolutely terrible. First off, it was too quiet at the beginning, which it should be, but it also became very intimidating as a viewer. Secondly, I thought this debate was rather unfair. Although Trump says that his microphone was not working properly, which I highly doubt was the case, I felt that the debate became 75% Secretary Clinton talking and only 25% Trump.
Now with this in mind, both Clinton and Trump have very strong personalities and big ideas. With that said, the digs and personal attacks began within three minutes of the debate. To be exact, it began with Clinton saying that Trump’s plan was, “Trumped up and trickled down,” if we want to get technical. Now in politics, a candidate must do whatever it takes to out-do the other. Sadly, I don’t understand why that was a necessary remark. Yeah, we get it, you think the plan is messed up; however, there are definitely more polite ways of stating that other than calling that out.
From there, it was a repetition of horrible remarks back and forth and with that, the candidates both kept bouncing around the question. The only positive thing to come out of this debate was that we were able to see the candidate’s true colors under high amounts of stress and personal attacks.
Clinton had done some excellent planning in regards to this debate and she was well beyond prepared for any and every question. Trump was also prepared because he at least stood by what he said, even if it was ridiculous, and essentially dug himself into a hole at some points especially in regards to race and the violence within America.
It will be interesting to see how the next debate will play out because, personally, I feel as if nothing was accomplished with this debate. We have all heard where the candidates come from, what they want for the country, their future plans etc.; however, we have not heard why they want to be president. Have we? I mean, there has to be a true reason as to why we are wanting to even elect an individual to represent the millions of people that make up this amazing country.
So I challenge you, the voter and the reader, to really take the time to understand what is at stake. From there, remind yourself what it is that you want for yourself and for the country and who do you think will be able to carry out the job. I am not saying that you need to sway one way or the other, but I am saying is to be educated about what you want. What Joe wants for the country may indeed be different from what Keri wants. Honestly, that is okay. We just need to keep an open mind as this election starts to wind down and decide… Who will make America the best it can be?
Both candidates presented themselves for who they are and we the people need to make the vote. We need to understand that there is more going on in the world than race, sexuality, violence etc. We need to put into perspective that this world is extremely small and we need to see everything else including foreign countries, ISIS, war, trade, economic affairs etc.
For this election, I am stumped as to who I will choose. Do I want someone who the best way to contact is via e-mail or someone who chooses to quickly fire their employees? Either way, this election and the voting process is up to the people. We need to stop fighting each other and bashing all political parties. Yeah, there are different ideas for America and it is going to take time; however, the amount of people complaining about how the world is now, do you really want it to stay the same or do you want for it to become a country that you are proud of living in?
Quite frankly, I am very disappointed in where America is going to an extent. First, I am proud of those who have a voice and are able to use that voice for those who are too weak to speak. I am proud of the men and women who, every day, go out and fight for me to have a fighting chance in this world. I am proud that we are working to coexist amongst eachother so that we can create a better future.
On the other hand, I am so disappointed in this country for losing focus of why we love this country. The United States of America is meant to be a place where the “American Dream” is possible because it all starts with a dream. What has happened to us?
I honestly hope and pray that this next debate will show our candidates for who they really are, why they want this position, why they feel they are the best candidate for the job, and what our vote means to them. I do not want to see another debate where it is all he said, she said and my lawyers said.
Wake up, America.