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All First-Time Illini Apartment Renters Can Totally Relate To These 7 Things

Once you go to apartments, you can never go back to the dorms.

Clariza Adao
Clariza Adao

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All of us had an interesting dorm life experience at some point. Some of us left the dorms earlier than others. No matter when you moved into an apartment, you can relate to some of the things on the list.

1. "You're a senior. How is this your first apartment?"

Chandler Shut Up

Ugh, if I had a dime for every time I heard that I can now pay off my student loans. Yes, I'm a senior and this is my first time living in an apartment. No, I wasn't an RA. My apartment plans for junior year fell through, so I, unfortunately, stayed in dorms a year longer than anticipated. Shit happens. I remember feeling slightly judged because living in the dorms is "such a freshman thing." Glad I don't have to deal with THAT anymore.

2. Having your very own room

Chandler Joey Sharing Bed

Everyone has THAT roommate that made their dorm experience interesting. Once you live in an apartment, you have your own room. Yay for privacy! It's nice to have your own space because you don't have to deal with disgusting roommates that have messes taking over your space. If you never had that problem, you might be the disgusting roommate.

3. Laundry 


Stocking up on quarters is a must when you have an apartment. If you don't have an in-unit washer and dryer, then laundry is not free. The laundry machines on site are usually very shitty. There will be times you dry your clothes twice because the dryers are not hot enough. Wasting an additional $1.25 on another round of drying is never fun. I miss having free laundry.

4. Missing Illinois Net 


You think Illinois Net is bad? Think again. Not living in dorms means you won't always have access to Illinois Net. You have to settle for sub-par internet service. Smh. Illinois Net will always be better than the internet provider you end up getting for your apartment, trust me. Having Illinois Net 24/7 is honestly a luxury.

5. Bye, dorm food. Hello, cooking!


Dorm food was the best because it was convenient, but it wasn't the most delicious food. For many of you, living in the apartments was your first time cooking. Cooking meals are fun because you can cook whatever you want and use whatever ingredients you want. The bad part is when you are not in the mood to cook or can't spend a lot of money you have to settle for chicken nuggets and tater tots. #brokecollegestudentproblems

6. Neighbors 

Nosey Neighbors

I don't care how nice you are...YOU WILL BE A NOSY NEIGHBOR. Some apartment complexes have thin walls depending on where you live so you can hear everything that's going on. You can't help but to listen in. Just don't get caught.

7. Freedom 

F it

It's nice not having an RA around 24/7 enforcing the rules and calling "mandatory" floor meetings. You can do whatever the f- you want. It's great! I'm not acting obnoxious but feel liberated when it comes to responsibility.

Living in an apartment can be just as fun as living in the dorms, but thousands of dollars cheaper!

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