Moving away from home was one of the hardest things I have ever done, and while I had an AMAZING support system to help me get to where I am today, I still face challenges. As the holidays approached us, I had this overwhelming sensation of anxiety; more than usual, like I was missing out on something. Everything that I always knew surrounding the holidays all seemed to cease. All of the traditions, magic, and sense of unity among the family. It is hard to feel these things when you work two jobs, go to school, and live 4+ hours from home. Distance is a very real burden.
Retail jobs stop students from being home for the holidays all the time, but this year was different. I missed my first holiday at home. This was the first year in 20 years that I wasn't home with EVERYONE on Thanksgiving, and it was way harder on me than I thought, and harder than I showed. I live with my amazing boyfriend and our 6-month-old boxer so I am surrounded by those who love me, and I knew everything would be OK. My parents ended up coming for Thanksgiving, and the tables turned.
I hosted Thanksgiving in my very own apartment. Now to me, that sounds way too adult, and it sounds like something only grown-ups do, but I did it. And it was one of my most favorite Thanksgivings to date. Don't get me wrong, the hustle and bustle between families at home will always be one of my favorite past times, but I got to create new memories this year. I got to be the start of new traditions this year. I did a 'big-kid' thing this year, and I could not be more proud.
Most of the time growing up is hard, and the changing of traditions is hard. But you can bet that I will be home for Christmas in just a few short weeks to help decorate the Christmas tree with my little brother.