Many high school students dream of going to college, but do not know where to begin in the process. It is especially difficult for first generation college students preparing for their higher education opportunities. While planning and preparing is a learning experience for all, here are some things to consider while still in high school before you journey off into your new adventure in life.
1. Join a college prep group
Some local community colleges allow high school students to join college prep groups. These programs are designed for students who are first generation students. An assigned counselor will give the best advice on the path to college. Programs like these offer so much to high schoolers, including college tours, which are vital in preparing for college.
2. Visit universities
Visiting college campuses is key. Some have dreamed of a specific university, but its the college tour that will seal the deal. It is the feeling of "I can see myself living here for four years" that will convince you to choose a college.
3. Apply for information
Make a list of colleges to choose from. From there, go online and give the admissions department your contact information. Within a month, several colleges will be sending information about why their school is the best fit for you. Go over information thoroughly and make sure the school offers your program of study.
4. Contact admissions
The admission department is going to be your new best friend when looking at different schools. Make sure that you have their email in your contacts, and ask them a ton of questions. The more questions you ask, the more they know that you are interested in their university. Admissions is going to guide you in the application process and everything in between. They are going to be the people you talk to for information and tours. The admissions department will help to make your college search much easier.
5. Stay organized
Make sure that you have all your ducks in a row when applying for college. Get a planner and write down important dates. In the college world, a deadline is a deadline. There are no exceptions for being late, and if your documentation is late, then say goodbye to your chances of getting in. An agenda or planner will help you be able to plan for important dates, schedule meetings and notify you for deadlines. Get a binder and store all important documents in it, and label them.Make sure it is neat, and you can access information quickly when needed.
6. Scholarships
How do you earn $1,000 in 20 minutes? Apply for scholarships. Scholarships make paying for college easier. It is your money, and even better, you do not have to pay that money back. There are scholarships for everyone, and applying for them should take no more than an hour. Be creative, and apply for every scholarship that applies to you and your field of study. Scholarships can be used for many different things too. Textbooks, laptops, supplies and study abroad opportunities can be covered by scholarships. I got my $1,200 laptop with a scholarship and did not have to pay a single penny. Remember that the better grades you have, the more scholarships you can get, so work hard and get more.
As a first generation college student all these things were new to me my junior and senior year of high school. As I did my research and stayed organized, graduation was a breeze and I was on my way to university stress-free. Being a freshmen is an overwhelming feeling, and preparing for it can be just as stressful, so take these tips and use them to your advantage.