The first five minutes when I wake up are difficult.
My body refuses to get up and I sink further into sleep even when I don't want to sometimes. I hit the snooze while my eyes roll back into a deeper slumber. It's so easy to get caught up into the comfort and warmth of my bed.
Meanwhile, I know I have to get up but my body wants to enjoy every second of this paradise.
I have experienced days where I wake up late and rush through my morning. I have also been one to lie in bed until I absolutely have to get up or I'll be late.
On occasion, I have been late.
I know what it's like to forget to set your alarm or even when your alarm fails to alert you.
Recently, I have discovered my sleep chronotype which is a bear. Each person has a sleep chronotype that acts as your own master biological clock. Basically, your sleep chronotype acts as a program for your body which explains how you function better times during the day than others.
My chronotype is one of the most common chronotypes, being a bear indicates that I like to sleep, which is true. I love to sleep, it's so peaceful. As a bear, I have a higher sleep drive than other chronotypes.
Yet, I know I cannot function as a bear and achieve my goals for the day. I need a routine for my day as well as my sleep.
What helps me get up in the morning is how I act and think when I wake up, typically by my alarm.
This takes about five minutes for me, I stir around then I finally open my eyes and realize I am awake.
Within that time, I know how easily I can roll over and sleep for five more minutes that turn into twenty more minutes. Your body does not control your mind, they are two separate things. Once I tell my body to get up, I am alert. I notice I am able to sit up and get out of bed and not feel completely exhausted.
I am a believer in the 'Law of Attraction', especially as a Christian woman. Speaking things into existence works, it is a strength of faith for me and you can apply it to any and every part of your life.
Once I get out of bed, I begin my morning routine so that I am focusing on something other than sleep.
Typically I check my sleep app and see how well I slept during the night. Since I am a bear, I sleep pretty well and always seem to get about an average of 80% of sleep and 5 hours of deep sleep. Then I chug about a whole jug of water in ten seconds because I am dehydrated from sleeping.
Afterwards, I create a gratitude list for the day and I pray. Next, I begin to stretch, which helps wake up my body from the deep sleep it's been under and helps relieve the soreness from my work out the previous day.
Doing these things each morning has honestly motivated me to get out of bed and I feel ready to start my day.
How do you wake up in the morning?
You can discover your sleep chronotype here: