Do you ever get those first date jitters where your anxiety and nerves are on ten and you have this fear that everything is going to go bad before you even get to the date? You're not alone — that first date can prove whether you will get that second date or whether or not you even want a second date! No matter where your nerves are, these ten signs mean your first date is well on its way to a second date.
1. They meet all of your standards
This could be in terms of what they let you assume about them before you guys ever meet. For instance, if you guys met originally online, that he is the same person that he came off as online in person.
2. They treat everyone with respect
One key thing to notice ladies on a first date is how he interacts with others around you. Yes, the way he is treating you in very important and we will come back to this topic in a bit, but the way he treats others is key because it shows his true personality. For instance, if he treats the waiter with respect, then you know he is genuinely a good person.
3. They listen to you, not talk over you
This is important to the way he treats you. You know he cares about you when he listens and does not constantly talk about himself the entire time.
4. Not a lot of awkward silence
Now every first date comes with the awkward end of conversation silence but you know the date is going well when these moments start to decrease and become more rare.
5. He pays for the meal and does not fight you for it
Paying for the first date meal is ideal, I mean, come on — what girl does not want a free meal, especially since he asked the girl out first? But, it is even better when he does it in the most genuine way possible and does not fight you for paying. Sometimes it can come off as condescending like the girl just expects it. When a guy pays and says he has this one or ensures the waiter does not even ask if its one of two checks shows he can stay around longer for sure.
6. The date went longer than expected
This is one of the most important because it means there was genuine conversation and you were having fun.
7. You start to feel comfortable and the awkwardness starts to fade
A date is always going well when you begin to feel more comfortable sitting at this dinner table with a complete stranger. You're able to be yourself more and he is able to do the same.
8. You find out you two have a lot in common
A part of having more interesting conversations is finding out you two have a lot in common which makes being together a bit more comfortable cause you two now have something to relate on.
9. He offers to walk you to your car
This shows that he had such a nice night that he does not want it to end. He walks you to your car to be able to have one last little conversation or tell you how much he enjoyed the night.
10. He does not try to kiss you but instead gives you a hug
By far one of the most important because it shows his intentions. If he tried to kiss you it could mean he is rushing the dating process but if he hints at you it shows he is still interested, but not wanting to rush into anything.