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13 Go-To First-Date Questions IF The Conversation Is As Dead As Your Love Life

Their breakfast go-to is a must if the date is going a little too well, am I right?

13 Go-To First-Date Questions IF The Conversation Is As Dead As Your Love Life
Amber Armstrong

I see you girl, sitting there across from someone who is asking you NO questions at all. You're sitting there like a lemon trying to figure out if you're not interesting enough for someone to want to get to know you. You've asked them what their spirit animal is so maybe they'd return the question and you could express your love for llamas.

Maybe this is the first date you've hand in a FAT minute (don't worry, I mean, do you really have time date anymore when you're focusing on yourself and becoming the boss-ass woman you were born to be?).

So, if you're anything like me, you'll need some help in what to say when the conversation is dead, but when you're also super into the person in front of you #RIP.

Here are 13 questions you should remember for the next time you meet up with that cutie from math class or the random dude you super liked:

1. Biggest turn-off?

Because if it gets THAT bad, just use this answer against them and they'll run for the damn hills (or maybe just the door).

2. Go-to breakfast item?

I mean, who knows, maybe you'll have to make it for them one day #SorryNotSorry. Just pray it's not some expensive item that they tried in a foreign country.

3. One word to describe your ex-lover with?

If the word is psycho, run girl, RUN. If things don't work out, he'll eventually be calling you that when he was actually the #Psycho.

4. The worst trait you possess? 

Because you don't want to find out he has a commitment issue as you're walking down the aisle #Yikes.

5. Are you close to your mother? 

Might be a bit personal, but if it's that bad of a date, who cares at this point, am I right? You can tell a lot about a person on how they treat their mum.

6. What's the most romantic gift you've given someone or received? 

Just to make sure he doesn't give you that pearl necklace he got back from Karen three years ago.

7. The happiest moment you have ever experienced?

A beautiful question. Along with the fact that you somehow have to top that if things progress in the right direction.

8. If we has two free plane tickets to go anywhere, where would you take me?

Great thing to know. Also, let your best friend know just in case he somehow has two free tickets at that moment and whisks you away seconds after asking this question.

9. Do you enjoy (insert an activity you can't imagine your life without here)?

If they seem completely open to your hobby/sport, then you've got yourself a keeper! If not, make a list of excuses you can use to get out of this dreadful date.

10. One event that changed your whole life?

Someone asked me this on a first date and I was so taken back. I'm passing this wonderful question onto you. If the food is taking too long to come out, throw this at them because it sure as hell took me a few minutes to find the answer.

11. What's the top reason you think you're single?

Maybe you two both have the same issue whether it be commitment or you just don't want to share a damn bed because #PersonalSpace. This will show you they understand their flaws and you know what you need to watch out for.

12. What song were you listening to on the way here?

I can safely say if it's "Make it Nasty" you know their true intentions. Hopefully, a cute country love song title comes out of their mouth but I highly doubt that, sweetie.

13. Have you ever been in love?

I just think this is a beautiful question. Who knows, maybe you'll be their first love?

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