Going on a first date can be nerve-wracking. Nobody wants to be the victim of the "fake phone call" or never hear back from the person they like. Luckily, there are many ways you can make a first date a good one, whether it's with the guy you asked out from class or the girl who's had eyes on you for months.
1. Do an activity together
Although dinner and a nice conversation isn't necessarily a bad first date idea, when it comes to first dates I've always personally preferred doing something more interactive with the person in question, like going to an arcade or an event together. Doing an activity together kind of helps the conversation flow easier and eases the first date jitters. A long, sit down dinner together could potentially be awkward if you realize early on that you don't feel chemistry with the person, or that you don't like them. If you have to go out to a restaurant for a first date, keeping it casual by grabbing a few drinks or getting a coffee together is always a good bet. In a similar vein, try to avoid a movie at a theater as a first date as well, because it can be hard getting to know someone if you're not really able to talk to them at all.
2. Put your phone away
Frankly, this one should be a given, but I've still heard horror stories from friends about first dates where the other person was constantly ignoring them, texting on their phone, or even hitting up other guys/girls during the date, which, while a first date doesn't always come with the promise of exclusivity, is kind of rude. Phones on a first date should only be used when absolutely necessary, such as in an emergency. It may be hard to do this if there is an awkward pause in conversation, but you should still refrain.
3. Keep conversation light
While it may be tempting to spill all your troubles and complaints out to the other person when you're going on a first date with them, it is not something I would recommend if you don't know the person that well. You don't have to pretend your life is perfect, but the best way to make a good first impression is to present the best side of yourself and try to be positive about your life when you're telling your date about yourself.
4. Ask them questions
If you're on a date with someone and they're asking you about yourself, avoid giving them one word answers if you can and elaborate on what you're trying to say. At the same time, make sure you're asking them questions and showing interest in what they have to say as well. People generally like talking about themselves, and I've always been more of a listener. So when I notice a lull in conversation, I try to think of something to ask them.
5. Look presentable
If you've been in a relationship with someone for several years, they probably won't care about seeing you first thing in the morning when you're unshowered and wearing pajamas that are 10 sizes too big on you. But it's important on a first date to look groomed. That doesn't mean you have to be dressed to the nines. You should still be comfortable, but also clean and make an effort.
Realistically, as long as you smell good and are able to have a decent conversation, you should have a good time.