1.) Going to class is not an option: Going to your classes is one of the most important things in college, obviously--and arriving on time. Not going to a class because you're lazy or you just don't want to is out of the question. You (or your parents or someone) are paying thousands of dollars for you to attend these classes. Why wouldn't you go? Attendance grades are also taken in class--so if you miss more than a set number of days, your grade can drop extremely low. So, always attend your classes, no matter how much you hate them or how boring they are. If you do find a particular class boring or 'useless', try seeing if you can drop the class and spare yourself spending the thousand dollars sitting in a class you hate.
2.) Plagiarism is real. Don't do it.: Copying someone's work isn't fair in the first place. It doesn't give proper credit to those who put in the work and it's extremely dishonest. It is also a huge issue in college. All colleges have plagiarism policies which they follow very strictly, so committing plagiarism could get you in a lot of trouble--from receiving a failing grade to even being pulled from the college. Also, watch out for plagiarism. Sometimes, it's hard to spot it. Be careful and if you decide to pull from a source, cite it. Don't get in trouble.
3.) Not everyone is going to be your friend, and that's okay: You will make friends in August that won't be your friends by December. You will have people you don't like in August that will be your best friends by the time finals roll around. College is the time for change, for forming new relationships and friendships. Not everyone is meant to be your friend. Find a couple of people you hold tightly to and make that your circle and build your friendship there--don't find comfort in groups of a hundred or so friends, or everyone on campus. That is where you will find happiness and comfort as finals come closer.
4.) Procrastination is the enemy: It really is better just to go ahead and get all your work done early than stay up 11:59 the day before an assignment is due, working your but off to get it submitted. Go ahead and just get it done. It'll make you feel better and give you more time to relax. Teachers like it when you turn things in early anyways. Remember that.
5.) Expanding your horizons is encouraged!: Join a sorority, go out for a sport team, audition for a show--get outside your comfort zone! College is the time for exploration, and your freshman year is full of new opportunities. Even if it only remotely interests you, try it! Who knows, you could end up finding something new you love.
6.) Your mental health is the most important thing: Don't put too much stress on yourself. You're in a new environment with new people and a new set of rules. If you know that you're having issues, take a breather. Colleges have wonderful counseling services, and you should definitely take advantage of them. The advisors will listen. There's no shame in asking for help, especially when you know you need some help.
7.) These are the memories you will tell your children about one day: The late nights crying from stress, the days spent laughing till your sides hurt with your friends, getting into trouble at a party, failing a class, acing an audition--these are the memories that you will look back on one day and tell your kids about. They shape you into the person you become, and will be the foundations of the lessons you will eventually teach your kids. So, make as many memories as you can--good, bad, and downright ugly.
8.) You will write so many papers: Your high school English teachers weren't kidding when they said that you would write a bunch of papers in college. Papers are everything. They are self assessments, rhetorical analysis papers, group projects. You will dedicate most of your time in college either writing a paper or preparing to write a paper. Get used to it and it would be best if you learned to love it.
9.) Teachers will be allies. Teachers will be enemies: You're always gonna have that one teacher you hate and that one teacher you love. It's just bound to end up like that. It's like high school, in that respect that you had teachers you loved and hated. Be careful and just don't get on anyone's bad side.
10.) These next four years are gonna fly by--so have fun while you can: My first semester went by faster than I thought possible. 81 days passed with the blink of an eye, and I can honestly say that I wish I had done more. I wish I had spent more time branching out and taking time for myself. These four years are going to breeze by. One day, we'll blink and we'll be on stage, ready for graduation. So, have fun. Make memories. Get out there. These are the best years of our lives, we can't spend it not taking some time to ourselves. Go to that party. Explore the campus. Make new friends. Go while you can, because four years--in all honesty--isn't much time.