So last year at about this time, I ask a freshman had no idea what to actually expect from finals week in college. Yeah, I had the whole high school finals but I had a feeling it wasn't the same as high school. Well here's the 5 things I wish I actually knew when it came to finals as a freshman student:
1. How to read the dang finals schedule
This was the biggest thing for me. They don't really "teach" you how to do it. Some profs put the final meeting time on the syllabus while others don't. Ask someone to teach you how to read this if you haven't figured it out. Nothing sucks more than showing up at the wrong time for a final and finding out you missed it.
2. Show up on time and even kinda early
Profs aren't kidding if they say they won't let you take the test if you show up late. Be on time. Heck be early so you are for sure on time (just wait outside the room if another class is in there). If you get there early you can do a little more review while you're waiting.
3. Actually study
This is not high school. You have to study especially for those pesky cumulative finals that some profs like to do. Unless you have a photographic memory, you more than likely don't remember everything back to the first or second week of classes very well if at all. Review the material.
4. Plan time to study
This goes with number 3. Studying is good but plan chunks of time to actually study. Don't pull all-night study sessions. You won't retain much because you need to sleep to put that information into long-term memory. Plan out an hour or two every day to sit down and study and have a plan of what you want to study.
5. Take care of yourself
Finals week is extremely stressful. To perform well you need to take care of yourself. Get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep every night. Do remember to eat and eat well. Take breaks and work out to help control stress. Do try to schedule in a little social time. Remember you are a person and you can only function so well under any given amount of high stress.
To all the freshman or first-year college students: You got this. Prepare well and well in advance and I know you can do it.
A college sophomore who could have done better on finals my first semester.