Working at a bra store, I have been part of many girls’ first bra experiences. I size them and help pick out the right bra fit and color. I try to make the situation as positive and not awkward as possible. It goes very smoothly and they end up happy. Being present for all of these moments almost always reminds me of my first bra experience, and how different it was.
I got my first real, non-training bra in fifth grade. I looked through the bras with my mom and picked out a size and color (I opted for nude, since it works under everything). I remember feeling awkward carrying a bra around in my hand in JCPenney, and I hoped I wouldn't see anybody from school. It was especially nerve-wracking that I could potentially see a boy from school. Because, to me, nothing would have been more tragic than a cute boy seeing me buy a bra. And EVERYONE shopped at JCPenney, right? As my mom looked around the store, I remember wishing we had a shopping cart or bag of some sort so I could conceal my merchandise.
Then, to my horror, my cousin appeared with his mom. Our moms talked for a little bit; I’m not sure if I spoke other than saying "hey." I wanted to go hide in one of the clothes racks like my brother and I did to mess with our mom when we were really little. But now, I’m not sure why I was so embarrassed. Will is the same age as me, and I really doubt that he, or any ten year old boy, would have cared or even noticed that I was buying a bra…but fifth grade Kristen was simply mortified. Will probably doesn’t have the slightest memory of this; and I will likely remember forever.
I guess people tend to remember their embarrassing moments, no matter how much time passes. So, this may be strange, but I do just slightly envy the girls who come into my store to get their first bra. Consider yourself lucky.