As any resident student would know, there has been a rush of fire alarms in the dorms over this past weekend. Dugan had one on October 19th around 10:30PM, one on Sunday, the 22nd, at 4:20AM, and then another one later on Sunday at around 7:30PM. This is ridiculous and as a community I would like to think that we are better than this.
Can we please stop burning popcorn? It isn't that hard, just follow the directions on the package.
How about smoking e-cigs or weed in the dorms? It's not cool and you're literally causing a disturbance to hundreds of people, go somewhere else.
Can we not pull the fire alarm? I don't know if anyone is even doing this but if they are, just stop it. Please. It's illegal and actually super annoying.
No candles. They might look nice or smell great but we have artificial lights and air fresheners so let's just stick to that.
So, as a community let's come together and not do things that will set off the fire alarms please.