As the semester comes to a close, there tends to be an ample amount that comes to a student's mind in regards to obligations. Not only are they preparing for their summer internships/jobs and packing their belongings, but they are also having to study for their final examinations. After surviving four semesters of college now, I would have to say that dead week and finals time can feel like a bit of a struggle. So, in the true spirit of finals week madness, I thought it would be beneficial to share a few of my own tips to stay successful upon the close of the semester.
1. Reorganize
This step can sound pretty tedious and repetitive; however, I believe it to be one of the most beneficial. Reorganizing before your final exams or projects can assist you the most in finishing the semester strong. You will not only have an idea of where everything is, but you will also be able to stay on top of each one of your finals.
2. Take Breaks
Take a few minutes to relax and unwind. Studying can take such a toll on student's minds and bodies so it is essential to take some time for your own self care. Watching Netflix, putting on a face mask, and eating some of your favorite comfort foods would all be great examples of taking a study break!
3. Get Sleep
I know this is a rule that I live by day in and day out. Without my sleep I am a complete zombie. Since our minds our working so very hard during dead week and finals, it is important to make time for yourself to sleep. So remember to take the time to wind down, put down your electronics, and really provide yourself with the overall best environment to rest.
4. Don't Over-Caffeinate
This tip is one that I really need to take in terms of my own self-care. Over-caffeinating cannot only be detrimental to your sleep schedule, but also to your body. This tip goes right along with the sleeping one, so make sure that your body and mind rest peacefully the night before, that way you won't have the desire to over-caffeinate.
5. Find Your Favorite Study Space
After my four semesters at school, I think I have finally found my favorite study space; nonetheless, for each person this tends to be different. Make sure that you know what is best for yourself in order to get an ample amount of studying done. Do you personally prefer background noise or silence? Complete solitude or studying with friends? No matter your preference make sure whatever study spot you choose increases your productivity.
To all of my fellow college students out there remember that you are not alone in this finals journey. Don't get me wrong, it will take a lot of hard work and dedication to ensure that you receive the grade you desire. Nonetheless, be sure to reevalutate your studies and finish the semester out strong!