I finally did it. After starting story after story that never got finished, at the age of nineteen, I sat down to write a book and actually finished it. It isn't the best book ever and, most likely, no one but my friends and family will ever read it, but it is mine and it is finished.
It is the most amazing feeling to know that I have accomplished a goal that I have dreamed about since I was little. The day I finished, I was so excited that my heart was racing and there were butterflies in my stomach. I have never felt so proud of myself in my life. I went on Facebook and announced my happiness to everyone, and then went next door to tell my nana about it. It was amazing.
That dream was accomplished, but I am not done yet. I am going to edit my book to make it prettier and more readable. Then I am going to share it with my friends and family and send it in to a publisher. I know the chances of my novel getting published are slim to none, but the worst a publisher can do is say no. I am going to try and make the rest of my dreams come true because this one did.