We’ve all heard the phrase “time waits for no one” correct? And going on a limb, I’m sure we’ve heard such in reference to inspiring the “uninspired” to relinquish their lazy ways, to opt for a life without procrastination. As if that ever really works?
Well if there’s one truth that I can attest to now more than ever, it’s certainly that “time waits for no one”... in less than two months I’ll be completing my undergraduate. WOW! Just the thought alone brings an array of emotions.
2013, just doesn’t seem that long ago. Yet it was and as a reminder, I’m forced to realize that the same fresh 18-year old that walked onto Harshman Courts is by far not the 21-year-old woman that will be exiting…. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD for this fact because in recollection I was lost in many ways.
I had no idea of who I was and perhaps just an inkling of I wanted to be. The kind of woman I hoped to become, as well as the specificities of humanity that I was going to really hone into blossoming. Fresh out of High School I wasn’t aware that who I was, and my journey was already pre-designed for me. That the “pressure” of knowing wasn’t really pressure or in existence at all, if I could just settle the issue that what is meant for me, will be.
This notion of “pressure” is a messy one -because although pressure when applied properly can produce the best, when overtly applied it can also break what’s still budding. Academia in itself, has a way of applying “pressure”. The dire need to perform well is always a priority for students (as it should be. Excellence should always be the standard). However, for those who feel as if they’re struggling to obtain such goals (because a difficult semester is to be expected. Shoot, my last 3 have been trying with in themselves) some truths I’ve discovered on my journey of completing undergraduate are worth keeping in mind.
1. Patience is key! Not everything comes when expected but everything does come in time. Answers to questions both big and small often reveal themselves when appropriate.
2. Finding your identity is a journey, so show yourself some kindness when traveling. Kindness, grace, love, honor, respect, trust, and self-love are attributes of being whole. Ones that I've been actively developing over the last few years (and especially the last 3 semesters). It’s easy to expect certain qualities and results out of yourself and again as previously mentioned “excellence should always be the standard” however TIMING IS EVERYTHING! There’s validity in slogans such as “Rome wasn’t built in one day”; keep in mind it takes specific struggles to exhibit quality strengths. Allow yourself the space, time, and safety to bump your head… make those mistakes and recount what was missing to ensure future success.
3. College is all about building character. Again, I repeat college is all about building character! Yes, the degree is rewarding and is expected to open some doors that may/may not have been available otherwise. However, if college is only good for a certified and framed piece of paper, my fellow intellectuals we’ve wasted our time and funds. Four years (and +) should not be spent solely working towards the degree, but rather experiencing and getting acquainted as well as acclimated to yourself. Friends, this is the time to build that character of yours, discover your sense of integrity (or lack thereof, and if so begin to develop such). This is the opportune shot to build some grit and resilience! To challenge your moral and ideology to discover if what you claim to believe still rings itself true and if so why? The space to delve into those deeper waters of your entity, to discover streams of who you never imagined you could be. College is about trying your hand at a little of everything to uncover the essence of who you truly are -and more importantly who you wish to exit as.
My journey hasn’t been easy, to say the very least. I entered expecting certain specificities, desires that I had seen through the media. I tried my hand at it all, some good decisions and some horrific. I gave a lot of time to some people and experiences that I’ll forever value and others that I now realize I could and should have done without. However, I do not regret a single day, moment I’ve spent in Bowling Green, Ohio because it’s through this state’s university that I found who it is I am, and am currently discovering who it is I am aiming to be.
A woman of valor, honor, and love!
An individual that understands in the midst of great demands and impatience that patience and peace are the only resolutions. For time produces what it needs to and time has served me well.
I hope you give yourself the love, respect, and credit to discover the same in whatever season of life you found yourself planted.