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Fine, I’ll Rank The Best Chain Restaurants
I am sorry Whataburger just isn't that good
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madison miller
Spending five, 10 or even more weeks in the outdoors leading elementary to high school aged kids for a week at a time is unique, to say the least. You see things in yourself you didn't think were there and experience emotions you can not explain. What you learn is valuable for more than just camp, but extends to life after the summer.
1. How to shower in less than 10 minutes.
No longer do I require 30 minutes to shower, but now I have learned to accomplish this feat with minutes left before lights out.
2. Being comfortable sweating, like all the time.
My entire existence at camp was composed of me sweating from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep, and that about sums it up.
3. The beauty of not wearing makeup.
I could rub my eyes without fear of messing up my makeup and was able to get ready in less than five minutes. Besides that, I was able to embrace natural beauty and see that natural beauty in those around me.
4. Naps are essential for survival.
Naps GIFfrom Tired GIFs
Five, 10, 15 minutes, all naps are created equal and essential as if I did not already know that.
5. Even extreme extroverts need alone time.
Being around people every minute of every day can be exhausting. Even as an extrovert, I saw the necessity for even just an hour of alone time.
6. How to remember names in a few short hours.
OK, sometimes I would forget their name, but nothing a "hey, girl" couldn't be substituted in for.
7. The freedom in sharing your faults.
For me, this came in the form of admitting to high school girls that I am actually really weird.
8. Showering every day is not necessary.
Hey, nothing some deodorant and body spray couldn't cover up.
9. Fake it til you make it.
No, I did not just learn how to drive a boat a week ago, and no I still have no clue how to drive this thing.
10. Bugs are the enemy.
Outdoors equals bugs which means, invest in some strong bug spray and never look back.
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Student Life
Things You Can Get Away With Now That You're At College
83% of my trends in college would have been shamed in high school.
Google Images
Transitioning from high school to college can be a stressful experience, especially if you're like me and hate change. Over the past two years I've realized there's many things I couldn't get away with in High School that are typically applauded in college.
1. Eat
In high school, you can sometimes get away with eating snacks in class. In college? Professors don't care what you eat. Soda in your 8 AM? Acceptable. Late night snack in the library? No second thoughts. It doesn't matter where you are, food is always acceptable.
2. Be seen running across campus
Waking up at 7:57 for an 8:00 AM class and realizing it's the one day of the year you shouldn't miss... Yeah, sprinting to the other side of campus is acceptable. Suddenly I realize how my days at the gym have paid off. In high school? You get in trouble for being late, but you also get written up for running in the hall. No winning.
3. Sleep
In high school, I could go from school to sports practice to drama rehearsal. Don't get me wrong, I took a few naps before practice in the hallway... But there was always at least one person who would have a comment to make about it. In college? You can sleep anywhere without any judgement, usually without so much as a double take. It's kind of expected in a college environment.
4. Skip Class
Is skipping classes the brightest decision? Probably not... But you really don't miss anything and most professors don't even take attendance anyway. High school on the other hand... I once got written up for skipping a class when I was dismissed early for a funeral. The freedom on this end makes college life almost bearable.
5. Blurt out
In high school, you were raising hands and taking turns. In college, on the other hand, if you raise your hand, you don't get a chance to talk half of the time.
6. Wear dresses
Trying to get through a day, in high school, in a dress is a nightmare. Between friends, teachers, and people you've never even seen before, the "Why are you dressed up?" question tends to get a little infuriating. In college, wearing a dress is not that out of the ordinary. Instead of the inquisitive responses, compliments are actually given out.
7. Wear Crocs
Even better than dresses being socially acceptable... Crocs. Do I still get the occasional joke made about my Crocs? Yeah, but nothing compared to wearing them in high school. They're definitely making a comeback and the comfort of my feet are eternally grateful.
8.Run on 4 hours of sleep
Getting through the day on 4 hours of sleep becomes the norm, and that's on a good day. In high school, I was once told that I looked like I had been hit by a truck. In college though, it's not out of the ordinary to look that way.
9. Use a Laptop
I honestly don't know how college student use pen and paper for taking notes. Professors change slides before I can get the first bullet point down. The freedom of technology in the classroom honestly saves my GPA.
10. Crying
If you're seen crying in high school, you may as well just take a video to send out - everybody finds out. Crying on campus, on the other hand, totally acceptable. Often encouraged. It doesn't matter why or where, it's always okay to cry in college.
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The Life Of A Girl With Chronic Bitch Face As Told by Blair Waldorf
Because smiling gives you wrinkles.
Life is hard. You know what makes it even more tough? Living with chronic b*tch face (CBF). This condition is so debilitating that I have decided to chronicle the 10 things everyone who suffers from CBF experiences. Who better to help me than the queen of CBF herself, Blair Waldorf?
1. “When I first met you, I thought you were a b*tch.”
I get it, my face is less than welcoming and now that we’re friends you think it’s cool to tell me that when you first met me, you thought I was the wicked witch of the west. Why can’t you just lie and tell me that when you first met me you thought I was hilariously funny and devilishly good looking?
2. Somebody asks you if you’re mad at them at least once a day.
No, I’m not mad at you. This is just my face.
3. You always look unamused. Even when you are very amused.
Your body may be saying, “Justin Bieber concert,” but your face will always say, “Taking an economics midterm.”
4. Anna Wintour is your spirit animal.
Because she makes your b*tch face look like a straight up smiley face.
5. You are never approached by people who are tabling on campus.
Nobody on campus is going to stop you to ask if you’ve voted, are registered to vote, would like to sign a petition or if you want to join the dance club. Nobody.
6. You have to practice smiling before you get your photo taken.
Sitting in front of a mirror and practicing your most natural smile can be a daunting task.
7. The word “judgmental” is thrown at you on the daily.
(Judgmental is code for b*tch.)
8. You make people visibly uncomfortable in section by glancing at them.
You may be very interested in what the girl behind you just said in section, but by staring at her, you just gave her mad anxiety.
9. Your parents thought that this was just part of a teenage phase, but this is actually just your face.
You’re 20 and your face is still as sour as can be. Sorry Mom and Dad.
10. Your face could get you out of jury duty.
Your face reads, “I have no mercy.” Nobody wants you on jury duty.
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Student Life
The 15 Stages Of A Graduating Senior, Developing Senioritis
It hits hard in college.
I thought senioritis in high school was rough until I became a college senior about to go into the real world. I'm supposed to have everything figured out, right? I mean I went through four years of tough classes and serious self-searching (and crying). What I found overall was Senioritis sneaking up on me.
2. Trying to take easy classes to make it out alive
If the professor does not have a 2.0 or less on Rate My Professor for level of difficulty, I don't want them.
3. Does attendance count for a grade?
WWHHHYYY? I have never understood this rule my whole four years. If they don't want to come you cannot make them.
4. Skipping once won't hurt me
Once becomes twice, twice becomes 10 times, and then you forget that you even had the class.
7. I'll just do this assignment during my other class
I can do my Biochem homework in my Immunology class and my Immunology homework in my Biochem class. IT IS FOOL PROOF.
9. Rejection
Oh boy, this is the period of rejection letters from grad schools, internships and even jobs!
10. Accepting that you might have gotten a degree for nothing
How long will it take for me to climb the ladder of a local fast food joint?
11. Probably should have studied for that test
I know I binge watched every season of Master Chief Junior, I just couldn't say no to their little faces!
15. Graduating!
I did it! I survived four long years of blood, sweat, tears and lots and lots of money. I can finally enter the adult world!
All in all, graduating from college is a huge accomplishment. It is a bumpy road, but if it is what you really want, it will all be worth it in the end. Do not give up on your dreams because of one rejection letter or a single hard class. Just keep going and do not be too hard on yourself.
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Student Life
8 Texts You Get From Your High School Friends
You might not see them everyday anymore, but you're still friends and your text messages prove it.
13 January
Ashlynn West
It takes a little while to get used to not seeing your high school best friends every day. Going away to college causes a lot of changes, but one thing that will never change is my love for my high school BFFs, and the texts that I get from them. Here are just 8 of the texts I get from them on the weekly:
1. "Should I skip class today?"
Or "Can I drop out of college yet?" both are usually a daily occurrence.
2. "Did you hear ________ is engaged?"
I swear every time I open up Facebook another person is engaged, married, or pregnant.
3. "When are you coming home?"
Soon, but not soon enough.
4. "I finally talked to the cute guy in my science lecture."
Usually followed by responses like "Ohh what did you say?"
5. GIFs, on GIFs, on GIFs.
Throw a couple of memes in there too.
6. "I saw the cutest puppy on my walk to class this morning!"
Sometimes this even includes a picture of said dog and makes our hearts melt.
7. "Do you remember when we ________ at ________?"
Ahh high school memories, man does time fly.
8. "I miss you."
I miss you too.
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