On occasion I find myself distracted. I think about my life currently, where I would like to be in ten years, who I would like to see with me in ten years. Then I begin to question. Is this really who I am? Who I want to be? Am I overthinking? Am I taking advantage of all my opportunities?
It's okay to be unsure, to stumble. You're new at this. You are going to make mistakes and regret them. You're going to take the beaten path and realize it isn't that great. You learn.
Stop beating yourself up over little things. Learn from them. You'll find your way back.
I often find I am beating myself up over small things. Whether its school work, not spending enough time with family, or connecting with friends. You sometimes feel guilty, it's normal. However, giving up cannot be normal. That is not an option.
Finding yourself, will not be smooth sailing. You're going to experience bumps, potholes, over-turned vehicles, floods, and other disasters. This not the end. It's merely something you must work through. Some events take longer to recover from, but it is all about getting up.
We often set out in life with this perceived idea of who we are and what we are suppose to be doing. Most of the time we end up doing something completely different. You learn what you can and cannot do, what you like and dislike. Nothing is perfect, but as humans we are always trying to get close.
I guess what I'm saying here is don't be afraid to adventure outside of your norm. Do everything possible to find out who you truly are. You will be hurt, you will fall, but you will stand again.